Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wake Up!

With Corporatists' Controlling National Elections, The Following Is Mute
compiled by The Old Hippie Because Infotainment Is Purposefully Fogging The Reality

[ Please see the previous posting "Reality-Based Proof. . ." ]

- Mitigating any further global warming damage - Link-1, Link-2, Link-3, Link-4, Link-5
- Mitigating American's continued, and obvious, denial - Link-1, Link-2, Link-3, Link-4
- Mitigating any further damage to our Democracy - Link-1, Link-2, Link-3, Link-4, Link-5

The above links are just a small amount of the damage, all of which stems from the purposeful, and criminal, destruction and corruption of the fairness of our last three national elections.  Damage, some of which can't be un-done now, or even mitigated.  But a lot of it can be fixed, and a lot of further damage can be mitigate, even stopped. . .  But it requires true fair, and non-corruptible elections.

If something isn't done, right now, about the criminal corruption of our elections by the corporatists, through the e-voting machines - Then everything else is, and will continue to be, simply mute - There will be no mitigation, or stopping of the insane, but very successful so far, war profiteer's "profits over everything else" agenda.

Seriously - Wake Up!

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Do something.


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