An Excellent Site. . .
They Rule...
The following picture is just one tiny example, of just one of the many companies that one can ‘map,’ showing the other companies that it shares board members with, at this excellent site. Spend quality time there, it is truly well worth anyone’s time. Hell, do something radical, like
maybe allow yourself to send its existence, and a link to it, to others in your family or friends?

For more info, on just the media corporations sharing of boards of directors, see...
“Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America”
“It’s the “ALLOWING” stupid.” But you also know you. . .
“Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned...” Which leads to...
“We’re Gonna Frickin’ Lose This Thing”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Just go to - Spend quality time making the “maps” you can create with this wonderful site - Put a company on the map, then have it show the ‘Directors,’ then point to each member, and click on the ‘Companies’ choice to see what other company’s boards that member sits on. [ You will be, (or should be,) surprised at many of the “connections.” ]
That is how I created the simple example map above - Showing the 15 board members of Coca-Cola, and the 8 members of its board that are shared with 11 other companies.
Here is an extra bonus map I just created of Exxon-Mobil’s Board of Directors...

Did you happen to notice that less than 10% of these board members are women?
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