The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog
Thoughts & Observations, on Sociological, Environmental, And Political Happenings (Best View = 1024x786)
Saturday, December 08, 2012
About Me
67, over-educated tree-hugging music-loving deadhead retired old-happy-hippie
Past ‘Reality’ from the Archives
- The Videos. . .
- They Rule...
- “America” Is Gone...
- This Will Piss You Off...
- Oh, I Get It Now...
- Belief...
- Guess Which Nation This Is. . .
- If You Are Unaware, Or Believe. . .
- Think...
- You Just Don’t Get It - Do You?
- We Are So Fucked.
- Past Numb Into Anger. . .
- I Make No Apology. . .
- Uh-Oh. . .
- Oceans of Abundance?
- Water. . .
- Food, There's Plenty - Right?
- Let Me Guess. . .
- Yes - I'm Angry. . .
- You Don't Want It To Be True. . .
Most Recent Postings
- Best Article of The Week.
- Best Article of the Month.
- Ummm. . .
- Best Article of the Month. . .
- No Comment Needed. . .
- Best Article of the Month...
- Best Article Of The Week...
- Best Article Of The Last Month.
- Best Article Of The Last Month.
- Best Article Of The Last Month.
Links of Interest
- The Old Hippie's Groovy Site
- A.C.L.U.
- Ad Busters
- Air America Radio
- AlterNet
- American Family Voices
- the American View
- Between The Lines
- Black Op Radio
- C.E.P.R.
- Noam Chomsky
- CommonDreams
- Center for American Progress
- CounterPunch
- The Crisis Papers
- Democracy Now!
- The Daily Show
- Drum Major Inst.
- The Experiment
- F.A.I.R.
- The Free Press
- Free Speech Radio
- From The Wilderness
- Google News
- David H. Hackworth
- Thom Hartmann
- Independent Media Centers
- Independent Media Institute
- L.E.A.P.
- Media Transparency
- Michael Moore's Must Reads
- Mother Jones - News
- Operation Truth
- Greg Palast
- P.O.A.C.
- Reclaim Democray
- Roundup Ready Nation (Movie)
- The Smirking Chimp
- Snowshoe Films
- Wasted Irony
- Watching America
- Working For Change
- Worldwatch Institute
Blogs of Interest
- Agitprop
- The Agonist
- AmericaBlog
- Atrios
- Baghdad Burning
- Bernard Weiner (Crisis Papers)
- Billmon
- Brad Blog
- BushFlash
- The Carpetbagger Report
- Conservatives Who Hate America
- Crooked Timber
- Crooks and Liars
- Daily Dissent
- Daily Howler
- Daily Kos
- Deconstructing the Manifest
- Deer Hunting with Jesus
- Empire Burlesque (Chris Floyd)
- Ernest Partridge (Crisis Papers)
- Firedoglake
- The Federalist Papers 2007
- Gadflyer
- Geoff's Two Bits
- Glen Greenwald
- The Gutless Pacifist
- The Heretik
- The Huffington Post
- Jesus' General
- Karena's Blog
- Kicking Ass (DNC)
- Last Chance Democracy Cafe
- Left I On The News
- Lew Rockwell
- Liberal Oasis
- Light Up The Darkness
- Living In A Toxic World
- MaxSpeak
- Misery Watch
- The Mobtown Shank
- The Moderate Voice
- MyDD
- My War (A Soldier in Iraq)
- NewsHog
- A Night Light
- Once Upon A Time
- One Pissed Off Veteran
- Open Left
- Orcinus
- Organic Freedom
- Outrage of the Day
- OverSpun
- Pamela Drew at
- A Proud Liberal
- The Raw Story
- The Real USA
- Riverbend
- Simply Left Behind
- Steve Lendman
- Talking Points Memo
- Think Progress
- Think Dammit!
- This Modern World
- Time Goes By
- Unclaimed Territory
- Vidiot Speak
- The Vile Plutocrat
- Wonkette
- World Gone Mad
- The Yellow Dog Blog
My blog is worth $10,161.72.
How much is your blog worth?
For anyone that cares...
My Google Page Ranking
Also note that between 8/1/08 and
8/9/08 this meter was completely
non-functional to the point of
blocking the page from surfers.
- Spread The Word - Don't Give Up - Don't Give In - Don't Cave In - You Have The Right To Not Be Clueless -
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Sometimes pictures itself says it all.
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