Another 'Nailed It'...
by Karoli Kuns - Oct. 7, 2017

In every single study of viewer's knowledge of political reality, FOX's viewers have been consistently shown to be less knowledgeable than even those who don't watch or read any news or politics. The only way this could be true, that those who don't watch/read any news have a better understanding of political reality, is if the FOX viewers are being purposely and consistently lied to. There is no other explanation for this reality. This has been well documented for decades now, it's not a secret, and yet we Americans have allowed it all to continue to this day.Wars for corporate profits, not liberty/freedom - Environmental laws passed to only protect corporate profits, not the environment - Regulatory laws shredded, not because of over-regulation, but rather to protect only the corporations' profits - Corporations given more regulatory protections than even humans - The continual growing power of the MIC's power and control of our nation's budget to a point that has become, in reality, a sci-fi dystopian obscene horror - All of this, and so much more, has all been allowed - Allowed - By all of us.None of it is secret, none of it was hidden conspiracy, it's not like we all didn't know it was/is happening, all the way back to Gen. Smedley Butler, (the most highly decorated solider in American history,) who, in 1935, during his famous "War is a racket" speech and book, said, "The corporations no longer follow the flag, the flag now follows the corporations." We Americans, all of us, in sober reality, deserve what is going to be the final reality of our purposely destroyed Democracy, but the planet, the flora and fauna, and all the other peoples of the other nations of the planet. . . do not deserve it.We Americans, left, right, center, the apathetic non-involved, are all guilty for not really fighting back - As of yet we are not in the streets, en mass, we are not making the real sacrifices that are necessary to stop the oligarchical corporate fascist take-over and destruction of our Constitutional Democracy.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with, this article; FOX News... Truth is an ugly task-master.,
is a damn good read, and an excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana reality. [Click Here For Just One Example.]
(You should go to Fox's website just to read how they lie to their viewers.)
Have you noticed how many articles I link from
It's because they do an excellent job of allowing truth to be authority, rather
than like FOX/MSM, where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
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