As An American. . .
by John Bolton Himself Because It's Not Believable From Any Other Source

[ Above image is from, and the link is to, ]
[ Now that you have heard him "in his own words'" read the following. . . ]
Bolton Nominated to Destroy UN
by Marjorie Cohn - t r u t h o u t | Perspective - Apr. 4 2005
"As UN ambassador, Bolton would make the world a more dangerous place. Bolton spearheaded a successful campaign to prevent the Senate from ratifying the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, clearing the way for increased testing of nuclear weapons. He led both the US withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and the US renunciation of the International Criminal Court. Bolton hailed his announcement that Bush was taking the United States' signature off the ICC treaty as "the happiest moment" of his government service."
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Ill-Will Ambassador
by Jim Lobe - Inter Press Service - Mar. 8, 2005
"John Bolton is a man best known for sabotaging international treaties and alienating entire nations. That's why he's been picked to be our ambassador to the United Nations."
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59 American Ex-Diplomats Oppose Bolton
by Barry Schweid - via Associated Press - Mar. 29, 2004
"Challenging the White House, 59 former American diplomats are urging the Senate to reject John R. Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations."
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From: The "Foreign Policy In Focus" Website
From their "Profiles" section
"Additional evidence of Bolton's extreme, take-no-prisoners worldview is not difficult to find. He is a prolific writer and speaker.
In an article for the right-wing Weekly Standard (10/4/99) entitled 'Kofi Annan's UN Power Grab,' Bolton excoriates the UN Secretary General for trying to limit warfare and to establish the supremacy of UN forces. In Bolton's words, 'If the United States allows that claim to go unchallenged, its discretion in using force to advance its national interests is likely to be inhibited in the future.'"
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