It Continues. . .
Even In The Light Of The Revealed Reality Of Exposed Lies, It Continues
compiled by The Old Hippie Because It Must Be Stopped - Not Studied
Even though there are lights at the ends of some of the tunnels, that have finally come on,
it continues to get worse for so many, too many - But yet the "allowing" continues unabated.
The "Trillion Dollar War" of greed is allowed to continue, now for 4 to 12 more years.
The exposed "Big Lies"/"Noble Lies" are allowed to continue to distort reality.
The attack, by sycophants, of the dissent of grieving gold-star parents is allowed to continue.
The deaths of our young in Iraq, the troops, are allowed to continue unabated.
Both America and Iraq are being allowed to continue to become irrational Theocracies.
The time of study, analysis, of the "allowing," is over - It must be stopped. Has to be stopped, or quite simply, the reality is it will only get worse - much worse - irreparably worse.
"Do Something."

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