Reality Observed. . .
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, as Your “Allowing” Continues.
- “Bush Setting America Up for War on Iran” This plan involves more than 2,000 targets. - “Was Israeli Raid a Dry Run for Attack on Iran?” ...there have been ‘instructions’ by the office of VP Dick Cheney - “The Nightmare Is Here” ...this nightmare arrived a good while ago. - “Bush’s Holy War” Remember, Bush and Cheney are fundamentalist Christians... | ![]() |
We are now the only 1st world nation that does not recognize the right of habeas corpus!

This administration has done away with our protection of Habeas Corpus, has arrested and detained an American citizen, without charge, nor access to judgement by peers. What is important, is not whether that citizen was guilty of a crime, but rather that this president was allowed by you to arrest a citizen, and to detain that citizen, without any charge, for an indefinite time, without access to council, family, or fair trial by his peers.
Ben Franklin was right - You deserve neither security nor freedom.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Was The U.S. Invasion Of Iraq Legal or Illegal Under International Law?
An extensive and accurate indictment of the Bush administration.
(The cuteness of the format is a distraction, but nobody's perfect - 23:56)
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