Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Their Sneers Are Justified. . .

They Keep Winning - You Keep Doing Nothing About It. . .
by “Our” Supreme Court of the United States.

=>  U.S. Supreme Court Throws Out Wire-Tapping Case  <=

[ and here’s a 2nd - Related Link - to also help you understand your reality. ]

The corporatists cronies get away with it, again...  And you have yet to even try to do anything to stop the sneering criminality of this arrogant administration, that is purposefully destroying your Constitutional Democracy for the short-term profits, and protections, to their few - - And you continue to do nothing to stop them.

It is obvious to most all of the reality-based among us, and most all of the rest of the world, that you are in fact... either insane, or simply stupid.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  <  B e l o w  T h e  F o l d  >  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Actually, I personally believe it is both.


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