Your Reality. . .
by The Old Hippie Because One Needs To “Know” What It Is Behind All The Spin And Lies.
- “The Family” Just how dangerous are evangelical zealots? A close and disturbing look a group known as The Family, and its disturbing and apparently widespread influence on mainstream political culture. - “We're Gonna Frickin' Lose This Thing” [again] Too important to be missed, therefore I link to it again. - “It’s Time To Hold Them Accountable.” Bullshit, it’s long past that time. (See proof links below.) | ![]() |
“Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America”
“Yes - I'm Angry”
“Zeitgeist - The Movie”
Bush Actually Did Say It... (And You Did “Allow” The Very Few To Prove It.)
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.
It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”
George W. Bush
[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]
“As long as the greatest crime of the 21st century remains unprosecuted,
we all... can only blame ourselves, and deserve our collective fates.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A“Below The Fold” bonus [2:53] video...
“Your New Job”
Watch, then please... Go sign the petition.
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