Watching, As It Happens...
by The Old Hippie Because As Jerry Said, “What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been...”
But It Doesn’t Even Begin To Cover The Delusional Disaster Of The Last Eight Years.
- The End of International Law? A parallel new Bush doctrine is emerging, in the last days of the soon-to-be-ancien regime, and it needs to be strangled in its crib. ...this one also casts international law aside. They’re doing it, now. - Like It Or Not, Change Is Coming Actually, the ‘Comments’ are more informative than the article. - “Bush Invades Syria. Take His War Warrant Away” Bush just attacked another country over the weekend. . . | ![]() |
Have you forgotten? Private Republican corporations count and compile the
votes with secret and unverifiable software! Just as they did in 2000 and in 2004,
and we all know how that turned out. [Almost all still don’t give a hard copy!]
“Election 2008: Who Decides? The People or the Programmers?”
“As long as the greatest crime of the 21st century remains unprosecuted,
we all... can only blame ourselves, and deserve our collective fates.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A“Below The Fold” bonus - Just an update to something I wrote a while back...
The very few are winning - They are not stupid, nor are they incompetent.
The very few only care for the power of the control-of-the-control of... wealth.
The very few are educated, intelligent, efficient, and successful.
The very few have intelligently, efficiently, successfully transferred the wealth to themselves.
America is not the very few. We, the other 99.x%, are America.
The wealth they stole, was our wealth. It is now their wealth. Their power.
We gave up securities, liberties, freedoms, so the very few could complete the theft.
We still are. . . Without protest, without revolt. . . With our children.
[ Update ] And now they blatantly come demanding $700 billion, (to over $1 trillion,) more -
To pay for their ‘investment’ crimes - Do you think anyone will stop them?
[ 2nd Update ] “Our” congresspeople changed some of wording of the bailout, admittedly for the better in some cases, but the final reality is that the thieves got the money, and its implicit power.
Again - You allowed - Without censure, without punishment. Again no one stopped the very few.
The very few got away with another chunk of ‘our’ wealth, and its power over us.
Go Ahead... “Just Keep “Allowing” - Keep Denying The Realities - It’s Not
Like It’s Actually Getting Worse - Much Worse - Blatantly And Faster.”
[Proof] “Don't Look Now, There's a Huge Wave of Inflation Coming Toward Us”
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