We Do Deserve What Is Coming...
- It Is Coming - It Is Already Getting Ugly From The Effects/Affects Of The “Allowing.”
Unions Receive Increasingly Scary Threats Of Violence For Town Hall Participation.
Is Obama Punking Us? ...as the president put it, the system is in hock to “the interests of powerful lobbyists or the wealthiest few” who have “run Washington far too long.”
We’re Breaking Records for Long-Term Unemployment. It’s Worse Than They Admit.
U.S. Still Paying Blackwater Millions - Still Being “Allowed.” -
Seven New US Military Bases in Colombia Is Hardly a Move to the Left
The Me-First, Screw-Everyone-Else Crowd
Militarizing the Homeland - “It might sound crazy to anyone who is not a veteran.”
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- Just for the memories - From the archives -

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