Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wake Up!  (Oops... Too Late.)

Why Are We Ignorantly Allowing The Radical-Fringe Stupidity?
Because The price We Are All Paying Is Devestating Our Nation, And Our Lives.

Undercover Inside The Weird World Of Right-Wing Abortion Foes
Climate Change Deniers Are Not Skeptics - They’re Suckers
We Only Have Months, Not Years, To Save Civilisation...
Noam Chomsky: No Change In US ‘Mafia Principle’
Lobbying Cash Obscures US Climate Debate
The Best Justice That Money Can Buy
The Tortured Logic Continues...

Jim Morin

Note This:  $1 of every $700 spent on healthcare in America...  Goes to just 1 Man.

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Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.

Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant.  Or stupidly pay the price.

Oh, wait...  We already are. . .



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