Sunday, December 20, 2009

Too Little, Too Late. . .

Articles Covering Stuff We Should Have Done/Stopped Long Ago. . .
Because The “Do It Now!” Is Just...  Well...  Maybe...  Way-Way Too Late?
10 Ways to Screw Over the Corporate Jackals Who've Been Screwing You.

How the White House Misjudged the Political Landscape.

The Senate Approves The $636 Billion Military Spending Bill.

Foreclose on the Banks:  How to Give America Its Best Christmas Ever.

Senators Attend ‘PrayerCast’ to Pray for Health Care Bill Defeat.  [video report]

Palin The Pundit  [Op-Ed by William Rivers Pitt]

by Jim Morin

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Nothing else at this time, the above links should keep you busy for awhile - Right?


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