Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not That It Matters Anymore. . .

The Ramifications Of Your “Allowing” Become Clearer Each Day. . .
To All You Allowers, Who Rebel Against Rebellion, In The Face Of Destruction... Fuck You.
The Great American Bank Robbery.
(Bankruptcy is a key feature of capitalism.)

It Is Happening Here.
(...and why it repulses so many Americans.)

The Scarlet Child.
(“And then there was Bob Marshall.”)

A Refuge for Cowards:
(Senate Extends Patriot Act.)

No Banker Left Behind.
(They do have a license to steal.)

Where Is the Outrage?

by Mr. Fish

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Cynical?  You Bet ya.  Could anyone sane, today, be any other way?

by Rex Babin


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