Best Article Of The Last Month.
by Kerry Walters - June 15, 2012
“One counterfeit idea that circulates with frustrating stubbornness is the claim that America was
founded as a Christian nation. It’s one of the Christian Right’s mantras and a favorite talking point
for televangelists, religious bloggers, born-again authors and lobbyists, and pulpit preachers.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with Alternet, this article is a damn good read,
and an excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana reality.
Have you noticed how many articles I link from Alternet?
It's because they do an excellent job of allowing truth to be authority,
rather than like FOX, where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
Here's another doozy:
I agree - Excellent article also.
Here is the link
So true, So true, SO true - Freedom is making everyone else want what you believe in - ugh
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