Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Franklin Said That We Have A Republic, If We Can Keep IT - Turns Out We Couldn't.

Biden is Just as Strongly Supporting the Bigots of the Oligarchical
Fascist Corporate power as Trump.  He is No Less a Danger.

by Michrel L. Standefer - Mar. 18, 2020

Bernie Sanders is/was Our, (the 'lower' 99%), only real hope politically, and now. . ?  Even the majority of the democrats are voting against their own best interests, just as the right-wingers have been doing for decades.  To say we all are screwed is a massive understatement.  For the first time in my life, I am truly scared that we have lost our republic to the oligarchical fascist bigoted corporate controllers. and Ben Franklin was presentient.

I admit I don't understand the 'why' of the 'allowing' it to happen, without any real fight/protests/rebellion.

There have been some progressive local wins - Not nearly enough, but at least a few. - - - These progressive electives bring needed hope, may they continue to toe their own line - - - For all of us. - - - I just hope that
they do not 'Obama' our hopes - - - There is so little time left...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  <  B e l o w  T h e  F o l d  >  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

We Need New Leaders, Period. (You should also go to Fox's website just to read how blatantly they lie to their viewers.)


At 6/06/2023 8:06 AM, Blogger Alan Dozier said...

Yep, pretty far gone. Check out Jimmy Dore Show on youtube, a lot of truth telling there. Example, How Corporations overthrew democracy:

Alan D.


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