Saturday, October 02, 2004

Wake The Fuck Up!

"Anyone Who Still Believes The Republican Party
Is Ruled by Anything Other Than The Ideological
Theocratic War-Profiteering Corporatists, Using
Lies, Death, and Profit. . . To Destroy American
Democracy, Which Stands In The Way Of Their
Profit/Power Agenda - Are Either "Part of Them,"
or Completely Blinkered In-Denial Cowards, or
Total and Dangerous Idiots."

[ I sent the following to my e-list on May 12, 2004]

The 46% Factor Still Is 46%!

The right-wing media is outraged at the outrage of everyone else, over
the revelations that Americans torture of humans in their [our] prisons.

For whatever reasons one can rationalize - They can't handle the truth.

Denial, blinding obedience, bigotry, America-right-or-wrong, just plain
dangerous politics-over-reason, god is on our side, it is just a few of
the aberrant soldiers - not the system, etc., etc., etc., - - - - - -

The fact remains, as more and more evidence pours in from more pics,
and now - the videos - which CBS is going to show today, that they
are wrong - dangerously wrong.

I personally don't care what they do with Rumsfeld, or what happens
to him - I do care that the "system" is not being fixed.

I do care that Americans prisons, here within the United States, have
for years been known to be "broken" - violent places of rape, death,
abuse. . . Like the California Youth Authority prisons - evidence is
abundant on the web - continues to "abuse," and rape, and kill, the
good and the bad.

I do care that the largest business lobby here in America is private
prison corporations - - !

I do care that America has imprisoned more of its population - us -
than any nation in history - in raw numbers and percentage of total
population - and that the very large majority of these prisoners are
"on the inside" for non-violent reasons.

I do care that in the face of all of the proof of the bad, stupid, and the
dangerous criminality of this administration - that 46% of Americans
still "approve" of this administration!

I do care that the voting machines obvious criminal design - is not
yet being fixed - the majority during this coming election will not be
fixed - - The majority of them - - It is insane.

Go to any or the right-wing's propaganda web sites, FOX, Limbaugh,
Novak, NewsMax, Hannity, CATO, The Heritage Foundation, the
American Enterprise Institute, listen and watch and read their denials,
their rationals, their lies, their propaganda - and absorb that 46% of
Americans believe them!

"Get over it" - "It's time to stop apologizing" - "They're evil killers" -

"This only helps the terrorists" - - - - - - -

Never mind the it has been shown that 70% to 90% of these feared
evil Iraqi prisoners have been shown to have arrested by mistake!

Never mind that the large majority of them did exactly what you or
I would have done - would do - in their situation of a disastrous, and
outright criminal foreign occupation, that is "privatizing" all of their
national assets away from them, that is killing them in the thousands,
not killing just men - but women and children also - proven - pictured
and taped for all to see. (Which some right-wing deniers are saying
"must" be fakes!)

But yet - 46% still "approve" of this criminal administration - - -

They have made it clear to all - The draft is returning - except it will
now draft women - and those to the age of 35, rather than 25. . .

46% approve - -

They have made it clear that they support the corporations over
the democracy itself. . .

46% approve - -

They have made it clear that are doing all that they can, legally and
illegally, to privatize as much of America's assets as possible. . .

46% approve - -

They made it clear that when Bush said "God chose me for this time",
that they supported the demonizing, in their 5-corporation media, of
anyone "doubting it," or "questioning it". . .

46% approve - -

They may it clear that the "separation of church and state" is in their
way, and must be done away with. . .

46% approve - -

They have made it clear that when they can't get their way - they will
bypass Congress - even illegally - to get around us - and so far have
successfully gotten away with it. . .

46% approve - -

They have made it clear that they "money-laundered" the entirety of
our treasury into the pockets of the top 2%, and that they are coming
for even more, and that the lower 80% of us fodder-units, and our
children, will have to pay for their theft - and so far - they have been
totally successful with the largest open theft in U.S. history. . .

46% approve - -

They have made it clear they will "protect their way of life," and will
"protect their freedoms" - even from us lowly 80% - at any costs to
us and our children. . .

46% approve - -


Insane off-the-fringe born-again evangelical dominionists with a real
hope of creating "the rapture", in combination with the opportunistic
corporations, that are taking every advantange of their insanity, to do
all that they possibly can get away with, to "take over the this nation,
and the world."


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