Just An American Reality. . .
Why The World Laughs At Us, And Also So Fears Us:
by The Old Hippie, Because Born-Again Evangelical Ignorance & Denial Is Dangerous
A New Poll at CBS News - Concerning Americans current "beliefs" concerning Evolution, and the teaching of Evolution vs Creationism. (Basic tenet of Creationism is that the earth is less than 7,000 years old, and all of its "science" is biblically based.)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Link To Source Of The Above Chart Here
I did notice that you didn't answer any of the questions, and you left your comment in a different posting than where the questions were asked of you. As to "general statements" without proof - You obviously haven't bothered to actually read my blog and/or web site. I don't post anything without either proof and/or source links in the current or a previous posting.
I did notice that in your blog that many of your sources are FOX (put Pravda to shame in the propaganda game,) The Washington Times (The moonie paper,) The Weekly Standard (Another Murdoch propaganda rag,) the latter two being most of your out-side sources, et al.
If you will take the time to actually go through my blog you will find that, yes, I use a lot of sources you consider un-American leftist, but I also have sources from the middle and the right, and not to just attack them.
As to name calling - I did notice your quite the name caller within your blog, maybe you should re-read the comment you left us concerning name calling?
BTW - Would you please answer the five questions? If not - Please don't leave any more comments, as they will be ignored.
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