Think It's Over?
Oh Ye of Little Faith. . . It Has Just Begun.
by The Old Hippie, Because Being Clueless Sucks
Checking in on the upsides, downsides, outsides, and insides of the election fraud battle. The first
![]() | article comes from an extreme moderate, (i.e. not partisan right or left,) an excellent unbiased perspective to start from. And of course, the immediate response from the outside edges of both sides would be the expected. . . "She's not moderate. She's biased toward them!"
So - Let us get started with our investigative research to determine if "our" Constitutional Democracy, in reality, still exist - Or if it's just the constructed illusion to quell the ignorant and deluded masses, (the "we the people,") from questioning them. |
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Think Kerry Is Not Involved In This Fight? Think Again.
by Betsy R. Vasquez, The Moderate Independent, Nov. 10, 2004
Full Article Link Here
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Oh Brother, Ohio, and O'Reilly (Keith Olbermann)
by Keith Olbermann, MSNBC - Bloggermann, Nov. 16, 2004
SECURE UNDISCLOSED LOCATION— Keep your aluminum foil hats at the ready.
Full Article Link Here
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Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked.
by Thom Hartmann, Commondreams, Nov. 6, 2004
So - Was It The Touch Screens, or the Optical Scanners, or both?
"While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios largely matched the Kerry/Bush vote, in Florida's counties using results from optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking – the results seem to contain substantial anomalies."
Full Investigative Article Link Here
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Votergate TV
Produced by Simon Ardizzone, Russell Michaels and Robert Carrillo Cohen
In association with Teale Productions and Public Interest Pictures
This 30 minute Presidential Election Special Edition of VOTERGATE was created
as a free educational service to get out critical information to the public.
Full Link To Video Site Here
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BlackBoxVoting.ORG Website
by Bev Harris, et al.
Current Black Box Voting.ORG fraud investigations.
Full Website Link Here
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BlackBoxVoting.COM Website
by David Allen, et al.
Current Black Box Voting.COM fraud investigations.
Full Website Link Here
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Cursor's derelection2004 - Covering the Media's Coverage.
by the people at the CURSOR & MEDIA TRANSPARENCY websites
MEDIA PATROL - Wednesday [Nov. 16, 2004] on derelection2004 Twenty new posts, including: "Wimblehack" has a winner and Matt Taibbi discusses the competition with On the Media, evangelicals go into perpetual campaign mode, counting in Ohio and locking down in Florida, media conservatives rail against Keith Olbermann, and Campaign Desk looks at how a Boca Raton paper launched "Post-Election Selection Trauma," or, 'PEST, the Affliction That Flew Around the World.'
Full "Covering the Coverage" Link Here
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