Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Few More. . .

Things That You Might Have Missed In Your Daily Surfing. . .
compiled by The Old Hippie Because I Had The Time

Your Right   1.  "You, sir, are an ignorant bigot"

  2.  "The George & Laura Show"  [Actual video linked here]

  3.  "Stations Of The Cross"

  4.  "PBS Needs Help...For Real This Time"

  5.  "Rediscovering Douglas Adams' DNA"

  6.  "Yesterday and Today: Nazis and the Righteous Right"

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  7.  "A Gut Punch to the Middle"

  8.  "The End of Oil Is Closer Than You Think"

  9.  "Fundamentalist Fools and the Conservatives Who Love Them"

10.  "The Long Emergency"

11.  "900,000-Year-Old Ice May Destroy US Case On Kyoto"

12.  "The Right's Siege Mentality"

13.  "http://www.yourchristianpresident.com/"

14.  "Ted Gunderson and the FBI" [et al]


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