Bombshells #14. . .
A Select Few Bombshells That Clears Much Of The Manufactured Fog
compiled by The Old Hippie Because I Truly Believe It Might Help Clear The Fog

Not so nice when you aren't protected by your
hand-picked crowds - Now is it?
[ Video Link Here ]
Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, who was elected House majority leader last week, is renting his Capitol Hill apartment from a veteran lobbyist whose clients have direct stakes in legislation Boehner has co-written and that he has overseen as chairman of the Education and the Workforce Committee. [Link]
Nice Catch by Arianna Huffington: The Infamous Richard Mellon Scaife's Pittsburgh Newspaper Endorses Murtha's Plan for Withdrawal from Iraq. Not a Good Sign for BushCo. [Link]
Republican Overseeing NSA Breaks From Bush Ranks. . .
Wants Full Investigation Into Domestic Spying. . . [Link]
Those Republican Jokers. . . [Link]
Guns Over Butter - Cut $40-Billion in aid, increase defense 7% (Profits Over Life) [Link]
Bush rewards our brave soldiers with the smallest annual pay raise in 13 years. [Link]
Leading American senator [Republican] says U.S. prepared to return to international negotiations on global warming. [Link]
Top 10 'Conspiracy Theories' about BushCo. (How many have now been proven true?)
[Part I - Link] - [Part II - Link]
Don't Like Research Results? (Even if correct?) Yank the Funding. [Link]
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