Friday, February 10, 2006

Well - This Sucks. . .

Are Our Revelations-Of-Reality Seriously Bumming You Out Sunshine?
by The Old Hippie Because The Continuing Of What's Still Being "Allowed," Just Ain't Cool. . .

This Sucks - "Our" Vice-President, (who is still being paid over $200,000/yr. by Halliburton,) has now been proven to have 'authorized' Libby to leak classified information, to openly support torture, to openly support spying on all Americans, and to sneeringly support corporation's rights over our rights. . .  Is still "allowed" to be "our" Vice President.


This Sucks - The White House knew the levee failed the night Katrina hit.

This Sucks - Frist and Hastert rigged the Defense Department appropriations bill to benefit the drug corporations with a back-room last-minute "deal" - without the approval of members of a House-Senate conference committee - say several witnesses, including a top Republican staff member.

This Sucks - "No-Paper-Trail" e-voting machines are still "allowed" to spread.

This Sucks - Bush lied about the threat to LA that he "supposedly" foiled.

This Sucks - I Would Ask “Have They No Shame?”  But. . .  I know that they don’t.

This Sucks - "Of course - I'm sorry Mr. Attorney General - I forgot you can't answer any questions that might be relevant to this." -- Sen. Pat Leahy

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Nothing else - For now. . .


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