“Preventive” Nuclear War. . .
Yes, You’re Going To “Allow” Him To Start A “Preventive Nuclear War”
An “Allowed” Nuclear War Will Secure Their Power & Wealth Through Fear & Destabilization.
I provide my usual links-of-proof, (many new, some from earlier postings,) “Below The Fold.” Please - Read them, absorb the words’ implications, and realities, for not just yours, but everyone's futures - Do anything and everything you can do to stop them - Otherwise, I sincerely believe that “doom & gloom” just won't adequately cover our shared futures.

The Links of Proof: [ -If you can, please spread these links to others - Thank you- ]
- “A Predator Becomes More Dangerous When Wounded”
by Noam Chomsky, March 9, 2007
- “American Enterprise Institute takes lead in agitating against Iran”
The neocons are on the frontlines advocating military conflict with Iran,
even though they were completely, 100% wrong concerning Iraq.
- Has the justification for war with Iran already been drawn up?
“A Preview of Bush's ‘Attack Iran’ Speech”
- The United States' Nuclear Hypocrisy
- For Neocons, an Attack on Iran Has Been a Six-Year Project
- “Pentagon Meeting Discussed Escalating Pressure on Iran”
- “The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War”
- Wesley Clark: Stop Iran War
- The Media Escalates its Lies about Iran
- “Iran's Very Bad N-Word”
- Cheney Aide Says 2007 Attack on Iran is Real Possibility
- “Despite Denials, Pentagon Plans for Possible Attack on Nuclear Sites are Well Advanced”
- “Rumors of War” - Blowup? America’s Hidden War With Iran
- Nuclear Ambitions - The World's Deadly Arsenal
- “Hold the Mushrooms”
- A Third Aircraft Carrier “will likely” Deploy to the Persian Gulf
- A Budget for Permanent War
- Addicted to War

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