Sunday, December 02, 2007

Again, Enjoy. . .

A “Special Comment” by Keith Olbermann - But You “Allowed” Bush to, again, get away with it, yet another blatant, proven lie.  412 Days Left.
by Keith Olbermann - September 5, 2007

My only residual curiosity is...  How much more are you going to “Allow?”  Given your track record of “allowing” these past six years, it's hard not to say probably all of it.  Right?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  <  B e l o w  T h e  F o l d  >  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Since you seem to have actually forgotten, here is yet another reminder of how destructive of a force of your “allowing” has become. . . Mr. Bush actually did say, within petulant anger...

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”
[and you “allowed” him to get away with it, didn't you?]


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