Don't Know Why I Bother. . .
by The Old Hippie Because Your Continued “Allowing” smacks of cowardliness.
All historically successful conspiracies are called - “Government.”
-- I have no doubt that you are going to allow them to get away with it... [-whichever of the current Constitutional-destroying, Democracy-busting, Profits-over-life-protecting, crime they’re committing-] again. I say -again- because you allowed them to get away with all of the following well proven and verified crimes against your Constitution, your Bill of Rights, your freedoms, your security, your privacy... without any real protest, nor punishment, nor revolt. The only reasons I can conceive of for your continual allowing, your continual self-destruction, is either unfathomable stupidity, (not ignorance, as the knowledge has been exposed and is available to you all,) or simple cowardliness, or you actually believe you are somehow profiting from the crimes.
![]() {-The Way Many Picture Me-} | What You Have Allowed: (so far...) |
your ability to dare to “question” your accusers - A right every 1st and 2nd world nation has
had since the thirteenth century. [If you don't fully grasp habeas corpus... go here.]
- Unconscionable environmental destructions to protect the profits to the very few, not you.
- Destruction of independence of the media, to benefit them, the very few, not you.
- Destruction of the Separation of Church and State, to benefit their control of you.
- The proven corruption of the last four national elections... left uncorrected by you.
- The total corruption of all of “our” regulatory agencies, to protect the very few, from you.
- The privatizing of federal prisons into for-profit corporate insanity, that has finally turned the
“land of the free” -into a sick joke- by allowing our nation to become the most incarcerated
nation, in written history, in raw numbers, and in the percentage of the population.
- Internal domestic spying on any, and all Americans, without warrants, without any checks and
balances. A blatant crime against your Constitutional right to privacy. (You’re still allowing it.)
- The passage of “laws” to block previous laws that allowed citizens (you) to sue (them) the
corporations for their -proven- crimes against you, nature, conscience...
So - As you can plainly see why... I have no doubt you will again allow them to get away with the destruction of your freedoms and security to protect themselves. Do I “hate their freedoms” as Bush claimed right after the crimes of 9/11/01? You damn well better believe I do. But what I hate more, is the fact that you keep “allowing” this criminal corporatist administration to -prove- that Bush was correct, when he said of the Constitution. . . “It’s just a goddamn piece of paper!”
Seriously - Get pissed off - At least - Enough - To do something... Anything...
That will help you, to help America, stop its purposely manipulated self-destruction.
If you haven’t done it so far, go watch... → “Zeitgeist - The Movie” ← now.
If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation - Research it, look it up. Obviously, since you are reading this on the internet, you have access to any search engine you choose to do the research necessary to disprove, or to verify, anything yourself. Please - Do it. Now.
(you aren’t stupid, but at this late stage that is becoming questionable.)
And if you still aren’t convinced → Go Here. ←
Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and I do openly censor any sycophantic diatribe, and those that feed it by responding to it.
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