More Reality Links...
by The Old Hippie Because So Many Are Still, Insanely, “Allowing”...
- Obama’s Administration Quietly Expands Bush’s Legal Defense of... Warrantless Wire tapping. Filing on Friday, Obama lawyers are claiming they are shielded from lawsuits by a ‘sovereign immunity’ clause in the Patriot Act. - Obama Sides With Banks Accused of Racism Question: “Wake the fuck up?” Answer: “May be too little and too late.” - Gutierrez Pushes Payday Lending Bill Legalizing 391% Interest As Brer Rabbit would say, “Please don’t throw me in that briar patch!” | ![]() |

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A“Below The Fold” Bonus Article -
Where Is Obama Taking Us?
[ Above title is the direct link to the full article. ]After the public outrage generated by the AIG bailout and bonus give-a-way, [which was nothing compared to, “This Will Piss You Off”...] a rational human being would think the administration wouldn’t let it happen again, but it has. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the quasi-government mortgage providers, who had two heavy hands in creating the crisis, are now giving themselves bonuses, too.
According to The Wall Street Journal, 7,600 employees will be getting $210 million in “retention” bonuses [which was nothing compared to, “This Will Piss You Off”...] for their incompetence. The maximum retention bonus for any individual executive will be $1.5 million.
The - [which was nothing compared to, “This Will Piss You Off”...] - is my input, not the author’s.
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