Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ahh. . .  Reality. . .

It's Like A Nightmare Bad-Trip/Twilight-Zone, But It's Reality.
by The Old Hippie - For This Blog

Almost all Americans today, even those who are purposely not "interested" in politics, know the reality of what America has become, in just a few short years, is not the America we grew-up in.
That America is gone.  The Democracy that stood up against the tyranny of the few, the Democracy that demanded freedom and liberty over private profits, the Democracy that protected itself, and its citizens, from the abuses of the power of greed, and the greed of power, the Democracy that spoke to its free citizens through a trusted and diverse free-media, the Democracy that stood up to the bullies of the world. . .  That Democracy - that America - is gone.

The honest and the sane-mature-knowledgeable talk about it and protest it, the opportunists lie about it and profit from it, and the fooled ignore it, while the ignorant and the truly stupid try to understand it. . . But all of us know - know - That the American Constitutional Democracy we grew-up in is gone.

It is the worst case scenario.  A small tight group of extremely rich opportunistic, criminally corrupt corporatists, together with another small tight group of insane ideological born-again fundamental religious zealots, many of which are in both groups, have successfully taken over America.  They have been able, in just a few short years, to disassemble almost all of the Democracy's protections, and replaced laws and regulations to "legally" protect their new America, to control the flow of information within our nation.  We all know it is true.  The Project for the New American Century has been quite successful - The reality is we now live in a "new" America - Which has become the opposite of the America the founders envisioned for us in the late 1700s.

We are now an aggressive imperialistic bully.  The most powerful one in the history of this planet.
And what scares me most, is the fact that so many "Americans" take deep pride and satisfaction in this fact.

Like so many Americans, I didn't really think I would live to see it happen, didn't really believe it could happen - But the tragic fact is it has happened.


At 9/18/2004 2:23 PM, Blogger The Old Hippie said...

Out of frustration and rising blood pressure I have recently been learning to tune it out when people tell they just aren't interested in what is happening today. So many stupid, uneducated remarks. They make decisions on what they want to believe, not reality and they don't want nayone to distort their verion of life. They want to hold onto their own fantasy if it kills them -and it just might if enough people don't stand up for their rights - or even just take an interest.

At 9/18/2004 4:11 PM, Blogger The Old Hippie said...

Actually the comment above ia by Sonni, not the old hippie.


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