Saturday, February 12, 2005

Crazy. . .

Not Like A Fox, But Rather Like Criminally Insane. . .
by This Old Hippie, and Mark Fiore, Because Not Only Humor Is Necessary Now

It's not funny anymore - Is it?

Humor is necessary, but isn't enough.
Protests are necessary, but aren't enough.
Angry words are necessary, but aren't enough.
Boycotts and resistance are necessary, but aren't enough.

But when all of them are ignored, demonized, marginalized. . .
And when the power of a non-corrupt free national vote has
been openly taken away from us. . . ?

What will it take?

To rid ourselves of this theocratically corporatist imperialistic
criminally corrupt plutocracy that has overtaken our nation?

Tell me - What will it take?

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