This Is Your America. . .
The America That We Have Allowed. . .
compiled by The Old Hippie, Because The Reality Is Beyond The Pale
Just a few items to stimulate the sound-bite abused cells of our political minds. Interviews, videos, Opinions, Articles, and animations that I have been able to discover during my travels inside what

Two Steps Closer
by Rachel,, Jan. 27, 2005
"Although only thirteen Senators had the courage to vote against Dr. Rice's nomination as Secre-
tary of State, the vote on Alberto Gonzales, which now goes to the Senate floor, should be a lot closer. All eight Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Comittee voted against the nomination, which now moves to the full Republican-controlled Senate. Still, it won't be close enough and the United States is now two steps closer to confimring an Attorney General who will confirm to the world the U.S.'s willingness to engage in torture."
Link To The Full Article Here
My New Kentucky Home
by Peter Laufer, Washington Monthly, Jan. 25, 2005
"The alarm is so high that these heartland legislators are willing to go up against their own president on key immigration policy matters, even though his policies are driven at least in part by an effort to win Republicans a permanent, larger share of the Latino vote. We saw that most recently when the president's intelligence reform was nearly derailed over demands by conservative house members for stronger crackdowns on the border."
Link To The Full Article Here
Iraqis in Australia Cast First Votes in Election
by Michael Perry, Reuters, Jan. 28, 2005
"Iraqis in Australia were the first of 280,303 expatriates in 14 countries expected to cast votes in the Jan. 30 election."
[My point with this particular entry is "watch for the propaganda" of the hundreds-of-thousands of Iraqis that voted, without mentioning that a very large portion of those hundreds-of-thousands will actaully have been cast by Iraqis that have not been in Iraq for decades, and the large majority of even those are the Christian Iraqis. When you see it, then do your own research into how many native Iraqis actually voted.]
Link To The Full Article Here
[Speaking of Democratic elections and vote counting...]
Jim Crow Returns To The Voting Booth
Does America Have Apartheid Vote-Counting Sysytem?
by Rev. Jesse Jackson & Greg Palast, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 26, 2005
"The inaugural confetti has been swept away and with it, the last quarrel over
who really won the presidential election.
But there is still unfinished business that can't be swept away..."
Link To The Full Article Here
Third Columnist Caught with Hand in the Bush Till
by Eric Boehlert, via, Jan. 27, 2005
"One day after President Bush ordered his Cabinet secretaries to stop hiring commentators to help promote administration initiatives, and one day after the second high-profile conservative pundit was found to be on the federal payroll, a third embarrassing hire has emerged. Salon has confirmed that Michael McManus, a marriage advocate whose syndicated column, 'Ethics & Religion,' appears in 50 newspapers, was hired as a subcontractor by the Department of Health and Human Services to foster a Bush-approved marriage initiative. McManus championed the plan in his columns without disclosing to readers he was being paid to help it succeed."
Link To The Full Article Here
Too Amazing Not To Check Out
by P.O.A.C. concerning a Cato Institue Item, Jan. 28, 2005
"Bush touts fascist dictator's domestic pension program as role model for our own. Seriously. That's our boy, looking to Augusto Pinochet's programs to fleece his own country's working class."
Link To The Full Cato Institue Article Here

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