Yet More Bits. . .
Of The Reality That Prevails In My America Now. . .
compiled by The Old Hippie, Because My America Must Survive These New Robber Barons
![]() | How many more ways can my America be slapped with the reality of this administration, before most of my America actually stands up in revolt?
There are very real, and scary, reasons for why the BBC production of "The Power of Nightmares" has been broadcast in every country were the BBC exist, except America. If you have not made a real effort to see this, then you simply don't know. The online version really sucks. If you can't find a copy, email me, I'll send you a decent full screen quality set of DVDs, at a no-profits cost-of-materials only. |
The Robber Baron's Party
by Thom Hartmann,, Jan. 20, 2005
"They're staging a celebration of their power in Washington, DC, where they help write the majority of legislation and hold captive all but a very few of our nation's legislators. The tele-
vision networks they own are showing the party in all its pomp and ceremony. The newspapers and magazines they own are telling us what a fine time is being had by all in Washington, DC.
The radio stations, networks, and talk show hosts they own are reassuring us that they know
what is best, that all will be well, that 'freedom is on the march.'"
Link To The Full Article Here

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Oaf Of Office
by Greg Palast,, Jan. 20, 2005
"Today we witnessed more than the coronation of some privileged little munchkin of mendacity.
It is the triumphal re-occupation of our nation by nitwits who think Ollie North's a hero not a con-
man, who can't name their congressman, who believe that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were going steady, who can't tell Afghanistan from Souvlaki-stan. Bloated with lies and super-size fries, they clomped to the polls 59 million strong to vent their small-minded little hatreds on us all."
Link To The Full Article Here
No room for progressives on cable news inauguration coverage
by Media Matters Staff,, Jan. 20, 2005
"Media Matters for America inventoried all guests who appeared on FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC during the channels' January 20 inauguration coverage. Between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
ET, Republican and conservative guests and commentators outnumbered Democrats and pro-
gressives 19 to 7 on FOX*, 10 to 1 on CNN (not including a Republican-skewed panel featur-
ing Ohio voters), and 13 to 2 on MSNBC. Moreover, the rare Democrat or progressive guest usually appeared opposite conservatives, whereas most Republican and conservative guests
and commentators appeared solo or alongside fellow conservatives."
Link To The Full Article Here
Corporate Cash Backs Bush Inaugural Bash
by Lisa Myers & the NBC investigative unit, Jan. 19, 2005
"It's a snapshot of Inauguration 2005 — a celebration of democracy and deep corporate pockets.
Anybody who is against that obviously must be a communist," says Rep. James Gibbons, R-Nev.
That was so last reich. Everyone knows if you are against corporatism you are a terrorist:"
[Last sentence of introductory quote is from the P.O.A.C. website]
Link To The Full Article Here
Two Looks At The Bush Dynasty
by ABC News, and The P.O.A.C., Jan. 21, 2005
Do the ABC one first, then the P.O.A.C. one second. Then ask yourself which is the more honest and accurate. Then Ask yourself - Why? Also note the lack of references with the
ABC one, and the extensive list at the end of the P.O.A.C. one.
Link To The Full ABC News Article Here
Link To The Full P.O.A.C. Article Here

And thank you right-back-at-you - This is a labor of love for me.
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