Time For. . .
Glaringly Obvious Signs That Something Is Dangerously Wrong
by The Old Hippie Because Americans Are Just As Glaringly Not Responding To Them
Let's start with the fact that the Pentagon, the most heavily protected building in the world, surrounded with auto-anti-aircraft gun batteries, that will auto-fire on any aircraft that does not have the correct transponder, which only U.S. military aircraft have - Did not fire on the incoming supposedly civilian aircraft, flown by a terrorist, that hit the least populated, and least important, section of the building, the under-construction west wing, on September 11, 2001. Those gun batteries are under auto-fire-control. They are the top of the technology curve. - They did not fire - There can only be four commonsense reasons, at least as far as I can see, why these super-high-tech guns did not fire.
1. The civilian jet had a functioning top-secret military transponder. (not really a possibility)
2. It was a U.S. military aircraft. (a possibility too horrible to contemplate)
3. The batteries were off, or non-functional. (not really likely)
4. They were on, but malfunctioning at that moment. (also not really likely)
Think about it, chew on it, contemplate all of the possibilities. Wouldn't you want an answer to this mystery? Or is the answer just not important to you, as it seems not to be to "our" media?
The most reasoned questioning of the possibilities, that I've found so far, can be found at the following link, originally found at the P.O.A.C. website. Please, since it is a windows media video, and to preserve bandwidth for the P.O.A.C., do the following to watch professor Griffin's presentation at the University of Wisconsin. . . right-click, then "Save Target As" to download it to your drive.
Full Video Link Here
Environment - The reversal of, or the repeatedly attempted reversal of, every single regulatory environmental law on the books, by this administration, even over the wishes of the majority of their own constituents in the red-states, and the overall majority of the citizens of America, openly and arrogantly putting the profits of corporations over the safety of its citizens, and over the quality of the environment we all live within. "Profits over life" has become the paradigm reality of "our" government.
Tort Reform - Who is demanding it? Corporations, through this radical corporatist administration. Which group in America uses tort more than any other group, as a harassment, and a tool of power? Corporations. Which type, or form of tort are they demanding be "reformed," and successfully accomplishing? Any type, or form of tort that allows a citizen to sue any corporation that causes that citizen harm, but not the type, or form of tort that allows them to sue to protect themselves, and their profits, from us, the masses.
Separation of Church and State - The danger of this is so obvious that it is beyond the pale. I've have covered this extensively in this blog, with all proof, and links to the proof, available in the archives of this blog. If you are still foggy on this one, I strongly suggest you research this. Here are a couple of links to get you started on your own research. . .
Consider, That Right Now. . .
Because It Is Important. . .
That will get you started, but also consider the other, just as important, glaringly obvious signs that something is dangerously wrong in America. . . All of which is covered in this blog, with source links clearly provided.
We in reality condone the torture of human beings.
We are the most imprisoned nation on the planet, and in written history.
We have withdrawn from every international environmental treaty in the last 5 years.
We have become an undeniable corporatist Empire, openly bent on radical world domination.
Evolution is actually being "debated" as not real.
Creationism/Intelligent design is being forced into the schools of America.
Supreme Court judge Scalia, and Republican members of both houses, have stated, publicly, that Democracy is in the way of, and/or bad for. . . America.
Some of which consider, "Democracy A Manifestation Of Ungodly Pride" (actual quote)
Radical, not to mention obviously insane, "bring-on-the-rapture" fundamentalist Evangelical religious nuts now have real power, and to a dangerous extent, control of, the Republican party.
The amount of tax funds we Americans spend into the military-industrial corporations, is more than all of the money spent by all of the other nations on the planet combined, on their military budgets. More than all of them combined.
The largest deficit in American history exist right now.
The largest trade deficit in American history exist right now.
The only administration in American history, during a time of war, to propose tax cuts, much less openly arrogant tax-cuts for the wealthiest during any war, much less one as "costly" as this one, is this arrogant, and obviously corrupt, administration. And to add injury to the insult, they want to make these tax-cuts permanent.
Where did all of the original trillions of treasury surplus dollars, and the borrowed monies America has borrowed from other nations to keep the war going, not to mention the billions from the tax-cuts, go? Almost all of it went into the pockets of the corporate officers of the military-industrial complex, the corporate officers of the pharmaceutical, ag-chem, and extraction corporations, and the upper 3-4% of American citizens. Most of the boards of directors of these corporations share many people in common, and with the five corporations that control the American mainstream media.
The American dollar is being replaced by the euro, by most nations, and OPEC. The implications of which are staggering.

Old Hippie,
It's good to actually hear someone point this out. Everyone is ignoring the truth. We are thinking just alike.
I know why the guns didn't fire at the pentagon. It's simple.
It's because the pentagon is the shape of a pentagram and the satanists built it as gateway to hell. Souls of the damned poor in and out. They want us to be destracted with fear of terroists because they have made a deal with the gay aliens who are getting us all fat so they can slaughter us for sale as meat on distant planets.
I can't believe I am not the only one who sees it anymore. Now you have noticed that the guns didn't go off and realize there must be some dasterdly plot to kill us all too. Thank the great Hippo spirit in the sky that we are both following the same aura of rational thought together.
Now we should do a vulcan mind meld together and pray for more cheeze whiz.
They only way for you to save yourself is to go here...
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