More of "Says It All". . .
"Says It All" For Me, is Like Twilight Zone Redone by King and Koontz
compiled by The Old Hippie Because Sometimes I Like Scaring Myself
On Day of Iraq Speech, House Conservatives Gouge Vets - [Very patriotic of them]
Dividing Russia - [Pay particular attention to the names of the Americans in power positions]
Halliburton Has Its Cake, Eats it Too - [To the tune of $1.03 Billion!]
Says It All's - Non-Linked Thought For The Day -
...The "liberal Media" is owned and controlled by 5 conservative corporations... Think about it.
Let's Take A Look At Iraq By The Numbers: - [Found at Michal Moore's Must Reads]
Number of U.S. troops in Iraq -- 135,000;
Number of coalition troops in Iraq -- 23,250;
Number of Iraqi security forces -- 168,581;
Number of insurgents & militants -- 16,000;
The cost of losing an insurgent (but not guerilla) war when your side has 326,831 soldiers and the other side has just 16,000:

[Click on the above graph to read the full original article]
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