Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Even A Few More. . .

Random Signs That Something Is Possibly Awakening Inside The Empire
compiled by The Old Hippie Because I Hope It's Not Too Late To Stop Angered Chaos

Found At Atrios's Eschaton. . .
The Rude Pundit of course lives up to his name,
so those with delicate sensibilities should not click through.
The rest of you however...

Found At Rolling Stone. . .
The Girl Who Tried to Save the World

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Found At Cursor.org. . .
USA Today reports that 'The debate's over: Globe is warming' --
following the Friday resignation of President Bush's climate reports editor.

Found At Michael Moore's Must Reads. . .
The Downing Street Memo awareness gap narrows. (An explanation would be nice.)

Also From Michael Moore's Must Reads. . .
Monsanto ordered to hand over a secret study that questions
the benefits of genetically modified food.

Found At AlterNet.org. . .
The Mad Cow Cover-Up Begins to Unravel
John Stauber, PR Watch
EnviroHealth: Last week the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture announced
that an American cow tested positive for mad cow disease.

Found At BuzzFlash. . .
Court rejects media pleas to ease ownership rules; a small victory for consumer groups and Americans.  Now we just have to get the "Fairness Doctrine" reinstated and put Fox News back under the rock from which it crawled. 6/14

Found At CommonDreams.org. . .
Poll: USA is Losing Patience on Iraq; 59% Support Troop Cuts — A New High

Found At OldAmericanCentury.org. . .
White House rejects call for Iraq pullout timetable:  The fact that the Whitehouse is populated by representatives from the companies that are making billions off of this war has absolutely nothing to do with it, I'm sure -ed. 6-14

Final Note Today. . .
Did you notice?  At all of the "mainstream" corporate media's web sites - That Michael Jackson is their "biggest and most prominent" top-story/most-important-headline?  Whereas at all of the independent, and progressive, et al, news web sites. . .  It doesn't exist as a prominent, or "important" story, if it exist at all?

Who is giving Americans news that is important to us all, and who is giving Americans bullshit, and misdirection, of no real importance to our daily lives, and livelihoods?  Who do you trust?

If your answer to that doesn't scare you, then you need to open your eyes to your own destruction.  If you don't understand how not having a trusted "mainstream" media to keep us Americans honestly informed to the reality around us all is "destruction," then you are indeed a major part of the problems we reality-based Americans must overcome - Before there is any hope stopping this corrupt, and deadly, administration that has successfully overtaken our Constitutional Democracy.


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