Thursday, September 15, 2005

Palast vs Galloway & Hitchens. . .

Both Have Opportunistically Become "Heros" On The Left And Right
by The Old Hippie Because I agree With Greg Palast's Report

If you have already seen, or heard, both the debate between George Galloway and Christopher Hitchens, and Mr. Galloway's May 2005 infamous testimony before congress, then by all means go read Greg Palast's report now. [ Link ]  If not - Then read, and follow the links below - Then - Go read Mr. Palast's report.

I watched the debate last night, and it was every bit as entertaining as promised, with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! moderating.  I learned some things, and heard things I already knew, some with a few new twists.  I do recommend it to anyone who missed it on C-Span.  [ Listen ]

If you never saw Mr. Galloway's ripping apart of the stunned senators during his infamous May 2005 appearance before our congress, you should.  Follow the links below to watch, or hear, it. . . [ source ]

British Lawmaker Issues Scathing Words for Neocons - 17 May 2005
Video in Real Media format (4 minutes) : [RealPlayer-be Patient, It will play]
dial-up version (4 minutes) : [RealPlayer-be Patient, It will play]
Audio Only in MP3 format (4 minutes)

Update (11:40 am, pst): MSNBC has changed their reporting of this story 3 times since I first posted. It's now shortened to one page with most of Galloway's quotes removed from the story.

Update: Galloway v the US Senate: transcript of statement

Now - Go read Greg Palast's report - Understand that his research, which I have researched also, is accurate, his questions legitimate, his evaluation honest.  I agree with his observations.

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We on the "left" must not fall for opportunistic "heros," as so many on the "right" have.  I admit that Galloway's congressional testimony in May of this year was a stimulating, and needed at the time, turn-on/wake-up call, and accurate within itself, but - and this is a big but - I, like many other reality-based Americans, began researching this "new outspoken hero," George Galloway, and what I found, like Mr. Palast, et al, is sobering.

And what worries me, is how he has now integrated himself into the auras of a couple of my true "heroines," Amy Goodman, and Cindy Sheehan.  We must be careful who we accept as friend, and elevate to "hero" status.


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