Saturday, September 10, 2005

Proof. . .

Here Is The Proof, Lot Of Facts, Few Opinions
compiled by The Old Hippie Because I'm Tired Of All The Propaganda Bullshit

Proof- 1  Proof- 2  Proof- 3  Proof- 4  Proof- 5  Proof- 6  Proof- 7  Proof- 8  Proof- 9  Proof-10  Proof-11  Proof-12  Proof-13  Proof-14  Proof-15  Proof-16  Proof-17  Proof-18  Proof-19  Proof-20  Proof-21  Proof-22  Proof-23  Proof-24  Proof-25  Proof-26  Proof-27  Proof-28  Proof-29  Proof-30  Proof-31  Proof-32  Proof-33  Proof-34  Proof-35  Proof-36  Proof-37  Proof-38  Proof-39  Proof-40

This posting requires a lot of reading, and viewing, and thinking for yourself.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

If you are a republican, go back and link the links, then just shut up.
If you are a reality-based loopy anti-American blame-America-first liberal. . .
Then you already know, just keep helping - Do not fall into silence.

Here's a little extra for you repugnicans that are still in denial. . .

British Lawmaker Issues Scathing Words for Neocons - 17 May 2005
Video in Real Media format (4 minutes) : [RealPlayer-be Patient, It will play]
dial-up version (4 minutes) : [RealPlayer-be Patient, It will play]
Audio Only in MP3 format (4 minutes)

Update (11:40 am, pst): MSNBC has changed their reporting of this story 3 times since I first posted. It's now shortened to one page with most of Galloway's quotes removed from the story.

Update: Galloway v the US Senate: transcript of statement

[For full article this "extra" came from - See "Proof-40" above.]


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