Sunday, October 30, 2005

For The Curious. . .

Some Non-Trivial Facts To Contemplate As The Investigations Continue
by The Old Hippie Because Knowledge Is Not Just Power, It Is The Only Path To Freedom

Libby Is The 1st White House Official Indicted In 130 years.  In 1875 Orville E. Babcock, the private secretary to President Grant, was indicted as a member of the "Whiskey Ring."

What Does "Indictment" Mean?  The Wikipedia link explains it clearly.

"The Office Of Special Plans" Was Not Housed Within The White House, Or Congress.
It was housed in the American Enterprise Institute - A right-wing [propaganda] think tank.

Bush's Current 35% Approval Rating - Is the lowest approval rating of any president since presidential approval pollings began in America... [excluding Nixon] over 80 years ago.

Reality Of This Corrupt Administration - The Replacements Will Be Even Worse - Every single "replacement" chosen by this administration has been far worse than the original.  e.g. Chaney's pick to replace Libby as his Chief-of-Staff is David Addington...  "Addington is, to put it kindly, a real piece of work."

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"Every Time We Think We Have Won - They Successfully Make It Worse."


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