Saturday, April 29, 2006

Diversion & Misdirection?

Everything Is Important - But The Voting Machines Are A Priority Now
by The Old Hippie Because With Them They Will continue to Corrupt And Steal elections

It's The Voting Machines That Should Be Of Paramount Importance - Now - Not Later.

Every single issue out there right now is also important, the exposed, and so far, unpunished lies, proven corruption, ongoing torture, all of the un-necessary deaths, the unbridled corporate profiteering, the worsening environmental destruction, etc, etc. . .  But all of it is in reality diversion and misdirection away from the importance of correcting the continuing, and growing, use of corporately corrupted voting machines.  After three back-to-back national elections have been indisputably proven to have been opportunistically and purposefully corrupted, 2000, 2002, and 2004. . .  These voting machines are going to be allowed to continue to corrupt our upcoming national elections in 2006 and 2008?!?  Are we really that weak, and afraid, as a nation?

If recent history is used as an indicator - the answer is, sadly. . .  yes.

Helpful Informational and "Do something!" Links:

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Nothing else at this time.


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