Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Reality Rant. . .

- 5 - Weeks Left To Stop The Corporatists' -Proven- E-Voting Corruption.
by The Old Hippie, Because I Keep Hoping Its Reality And Danger, Will Be Realized, And Stopped.

I haven't written anything for the past week, as the e-voting really must be our top priority - Because if we “allow” another corrupted national election - Then every other “political thing" is simply mute, and “it all” will only get much worse, not just for Americans, for the whole planet. . .

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}
 Bombast?  Grandiloquent?  Not at all. This “threat," of the corruption, (it will be the 4th in-a-row,) of this coming mid-term national election, to determine the control of the House, and the Senate, being once again “allowed,” is very real.

And if it does happen, again, for a 4th-time-in-a-row. . .  Then our "enemy within," the ideological corporatist fundamentalist thieves, will have 2+ more years to complete their stated agenda - To create a "Christian, Corporatist, and Imperialistic" dominance over America, and the whole of all the peoples of the Earth that “might,” in the future, be of any perceived threat, (Cheney's 1% solution,) to their Dominion.

Please see my previous postings below, for good starting links to the proof, to the history, to the resulting realities, and to the "What you can do..." information.

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Nothing else at this time.


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