Friday, November 09, 2007

What's Important 101

“What's Important” Doesn't Always Make It To The Headlines. . .
by Jonathan Schwarz on 11/06/07 at Mother Jones Blog

Bipartisan Effort To Strengthen War Powers Act

A bipartisan group of six congressmen—Jones (R-NC), Delahunt (D-MA), Abercrombie (D-HI), Brady (D-PA), Gilchrest (R-MD) and Ron Paul (R-TX)—have introduced a bill strengthening the 1973 War Powers Act.  This is an important development for those who care about boring old things like democracy, yet it's gotten little attention online and almost none in the regular media.

To learn more, start with an impressively honest column by George Will and Chris Weigant's useful analysis.  You can also check out the bill itself, press releases from Delahunt and from Jones, and well as stories from the Sun-Journal in North Carolina, Voice of America and CNS News.

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Nothing else at this time - Just read the 9 in-text links listed above.


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