More Bits Of Reality. . .
My America Is On The Cusp Of An Unbearable Disaster
compiled by The Old Hippie, Because Manufactured Reality Is An Abomination
Just a few items to stimulate the sound-bite abused cells of our political minds. Interviews, videos, Opinions, Articles, and animations that I have been able to discover during my travels inside what
Bush referred to as the "internets." I've endeavored to avoid the overly intellectualized, and unfairly biased items as best as I could. That is not to say that some of the items are not obviously biased, but I hope biased toward reality, and not political propaganda.
I've also attempted to include items that are interesting, important, and have an unexpected "eye-opening" perspective. Especially during this historic period of bombarding bombast. These are strange times people. As Garcia said, "What a long strange trip it's been." I sincerely hope these items help in your own research of our political reality. . . | ![]() (From Doonesbury) |
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What Our Troops Want for Christmas
by Arianna Huffington,, Dec. 15, 2004
"...from now until Congress is asked in January to vote on the next $80 billion the president wants for the war in Iraq, not a day should go by without Democrats shouting from the rooftops that the White House is shamefully betraying the very troops it so vociferously claims to be supporting."
Link To The Full Article Here
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The Reality-Based Environment
by Molly Ivins,, Dec. 16, 2004
"The Bush solution to global warming is to declare it does not exist. While this solves the problem for him in the short term, global warming is highly unlikely to be impressed by the news that we are now an empire and can change history."
Link To The Full Article Here
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The Enemies Among Us
by Mike Whitney, The Progressive Trail, Dec. 16, 2004
"The new Intelligence reform bill is a more stunning attack on the Bill of Rights than the Patriot Act. Most people have no idea how dramatically their "inalienable" rights have been savaged, or to what extent the Congress has sold them out. It's no exaggeration to say that the foundation of personal liberty, guaranteed in the law, is cracking at the base. It'll be a miracle if we can put it back together in time to pass it on to our children."
Link To The Full Article Here
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Fog At Bush's Summit
by Boston Globe Op-Ed, Dec. 17, 2004
"President Bush's two-day economic summit was an exercise in political propaganda that attempted to hide the underlying economic problem for the administration over the next four years: The government is spending far more than it is taking in and needs to raise taxes to make up at least part of the difference."
[ NOTE: The woman introduced as a "single mom" from Iowa who would "benefit" from Social Security privatization, turns out to be a conservative advocacy group plant. Link Here. ]
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Buying Into Failure
by Paul Krugman, New York Times Op-Ed, Dec. 17, 2004
"Yet, aside from giving the Cato Institute and other organizations promoting Social Security privatization the space to present upbeat tales from Chile, the U.S. news media have provided their readers and viewers with little information about international experience. In particular, the public hasn't been let in on two open secrets:
[ 1. ] Privatization dissipates a large fraction of workers' contributions on fees to investment companies.
[ 2. ] It leaves many retirees in poverty."
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Debunking 'Centrism'
by David Sirota, The Nation, Dec. 16, 2004
David Sirota writes that "multinationals like Philip Morris, Texaco, Enron and Merck" have all "slathered the DLC with cash ... to push a nakedly corporate agenda under the guise of 'centrism,'" while the mainstream media characterize "progressive positions on everything from trade to healthcare to taxes as ultra-liberal."
Link To The Full Article Here
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Ohio Vote Count Battles Escalate Amidst New Evidence
of Potential Criminal Activity
by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman,, Dec. 18, 2004
"New affidavits point to possible criminal activity by top Ohio election officials, raising yet more questions about the 2004 vote."
Link To The Full Article Here
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