Says It All...
These Things “Say It All” for America Today. . .
by The Old Hippie Because We Deserve Everything That's Coming, For “Allowing” It To Come.
Military Commissions Act - Eliminates Habeas Corpus -
- Allows testimony from torture - Therefore. . .
- “Legalizes” torture -
(If you don't know who is truthful, and who is propagandizingly lying. . . by now --)
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Update: Wed., Oct. 25, 2006 - Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006 - the fifth annual Reporters Without Borders “Worldwide Press Freedom Index.”
[ And you thought we have the #1 freest-press in the world?!? Really? Wake Up! ]
(in 2002 we ranked 17th)
Three of Garry Trudeau's “Doonsbury” Strips, Also “Says It All. . .”

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