Reality Observed. . .
by The Old Hippie Because You Still “Allow,” Even With All The Proven Lies And Destructions.
- “Get it Straight!” Hugo Chavez is a Dictator, Alvaro Uribe a Beacon of Democracy. “You won't read anything like it in your local paper.” - “The Seven Myths of Energy Independence” Why forging a sustainable energy future is dependent on foreign oil. “Myth #7: Once Bush Is Gone, Change Will Come.” - “PBS Asks The Question” ... “Why is there a mainstream media blackout on Pentagon's use of domestic propaganda?” (The MSM ‘unavailable’ for comment.) | ![]() |
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.
It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”
George W. Bush
[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A“Below The Fold” bonus Video from Boston Legal - Concerning “Our Supreme Court” ...
“You’ve transformed this court from being a governmental branch devoted to civil rights and liberties into a protector of discrimination, a guardian of government, a slave to monied interests and big business and today...”
- Enjoy the video - I know, it’s a television show, but this clip, is excellent - (10 min) -
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