Best Article (comments) this Year.
by Henry A. Giroux - January 25, 2013
“This theft of language, this technique of usurping words and deploying them like weapons, of using them to mask intent and to mean exactly the opposite of what they have traditionally meant, has been one of the most brilliant strategic victories of the czars of the new dispensation. It has allowed them to marginalize their detractors, deprive them of a language to voice their critique and dismiss them as being "anti-progress," "anti-development," "anti-reform," and of course "anti-national" - negativists of the worst sort. To reclaim these stolen words requires explanations that are too tedious for a world with a short attention span, and too expensive in an era when Free Speech has become unaffordable for the poor. This language heist may prove to be the keystone of our undoing.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with Truthdig, this article is a damn good read,
and an excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana reality.
Have you noticed how many articles I link from
It's because they do an excellent job of allowing truth to be authority,
rather than like FOX, where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
And like Commondreams, Crooks & Liars, DemocracyNow!, et al, the "Comments" section
is quite often as enlightening as the article’s themselves, sometimes even more so.