Still Don't Think... 'It. Is. Over.'?
The Illusion of Choice
by MintPress News - March 23, 2015
Seriously, You're actually going to sit there and still say; "It is not over." Really?!?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with, the article; The Illusion of Choice, is a damn
good display of reality, and an excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana horror.
Have you noticed how many articles I link from
It's because they do an excellent job of allowing truth to be authority, rather
than like FOX/MSM, where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
And like Alternet, Truthdig, Democracy Now!, et al, the “Comments” section is
quite often as enlightening as the article’s themselves - Sometimes even more so.
Read the Rest of this Posting → Below The Fold ← (Permanent Link Here)
It. Is. Definitely. Over.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
by Quincy Saul - March 23, 2015
But in the ancient Greek, apocalypse and revelation are the same word. What is
the tipping point between the end of the world and the beginning of the world?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with, the article; The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,
is a damn good read, and an excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana reality.
Have you noticed how many articles I link from
It's because they do an excellent job of allowing truth to be authority, rather
than like FOX/MSM, where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
And like Alternet, Truthdig, Democracy Now!, et al, the “Comments” section is
quite often as enlightening as the article’s themselves - Sometimes even more so.
Read the Rest of this Posting → Below The Fold ← (Permanent Link Here)