Monday, July 30, 2007

Another Reality Check. . .

Some Can See Your Reality - Here Are But A Few. . .
by The Old Hippie Because You Keep Allowing The “Impossible” To Get Even Worse

  - A Crude Awakening - “If An Inconvenient Truth could be considered The
      Wizard of Oz of environmental documentaries, then A Crude Awakening
      would have to be considered the Rosemary’s Baby of that same genre.”

  - Fear and Loathing in Middle America - “Deer Hunting With Jesus:”

  - July 27th Voting machines Tests - Hackers Beat Them With Ease.

  - “Threat of Martial Law in The United States is ‘Real’” - You Haven't Forgotten About the
      “Detention Centers” Halliburton has been Building Around “The Land of the Free” - Right?

  - “A Republic, If We Can Keep It.” - Ben Franklin was right: we have a Republic if we can
      keep it.  And we may be on the verge of losing it.  Don’t bet your freedom and our republic
      on the comforting assumption that election 2008 will take place as scheduled.

  - “Do You Get It NOW?” - Domestically, they're no longer even trying to hide their aversion to
      democracy and the Constitution.  With his new Executive Order on “executive privilege,” for
      example, Bush openly proclaims that he is untouchable by the rule of law; now there are only
      two branches of government - the Legislative Branch is ignored as irrelevant - [and. . .]
      Cheney/Bush more or less control them both.

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- Quotes of the Week from The Crisis Papers site. -

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.”

James Madison

“My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.  I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution.”

Barbara Jordan,
at the Nixon Impeachment hearing,
July 25,1974

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Let Me Guess. . .

You Are Going To Continue To Let Them Get Away With It All
by The Old Hippie Because The “Allowing” Is Still Being Allowed - Now Isn't It.

I'll make you a bet.  You are going to let them get away with it all.  Oh you may impeach one, two, or more of them, but you won't punish them.  You won't imprison any of the real ones.  You won't get any of the money back, the only thing they cared about anyway.  All the wasted lives, all the destroyed lives, all the no longer repairable environmental destruction, all the broken families from needless health and economic bankruptcy, all of it...  Just so they could get the money - And you haven't done one damn thing to stop them, nor will you.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

They got the money.  They sneered at you as they took it.  They laughed at your protests.  They took your sons, fathers, mothers, and daughters just to be the fodder to feed their no-bid contracts.  You didn't question the fears they threw at you, you just cringed, and even helped them to marginalize anyone who dared to question, as they knowingly smiled, as they took your money, the only thing that mattered to them.  They changed your laws to protect them and theirs, as you waved that fading flag.  They ripped up your Constitution right under your nose, and in your cowardly faces, as they sadistically tortured mostly innocents to feed your fears, so that they could keep feeding your money to themselves in military-industrial contracts that severed only their freedom, not yours, and you did nothing to stop them, nor will you.  You will pay the price.

You have allowed them to make us an incorporated nation of corporate-supporters/collaborators, and “allowers,” to the point of planet wide destruction.  And due to your “denial of the allowing,” and due to your doing nothing to stop them, my America remains almost completely blind to our own self-destruction.  There's always hope - Until reality is “allowed” to smack you in face, and says not anymore. . .  Meanwhile the 1%'ers are still sneering at your denied “allowing” all the way to their banks in their protected enclaves. . .  When the destruction reaches you, and you need a place to hide from it, do you think they will “allow” you in?

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[ “How To Create An Angry American” 
Original Here. ]

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Where Do You Stand?

Some Have It All - The Rest Of Us Fodder Units Don't -
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, as the “Allowing” Continues.

Statistics: [7/24/07 -] U.S.A. 302,421,881 - World 6,607,176,256

The average American household is worth $50,000/year.
(Averaged income of the approximately 96.5% rest of us American “fodder units.”)

7.5 million households in America are worth up to $10m.  (2.5%)
Plus 2 million are worth $10m-$100m  (0.66%)
Plus thousands are worth more than $100m.  (Approximately 0.3%)

The wealth of all US millionaires [alone is over] $30 trillion, which is more than the
GDPs of China, Japan, Brazil, Russia and the EU combined.

That totals approximately 9.6 Million American "households" that have more than $10 Million.
- Or - Only (approximately) 3.5% of the total American population.

There is now a two-year waiting list for 200ft yachts.  If put end to end,
the boats on that list, which cost $50m each, would be 15 miles long.

Sebonack Golf Club in the Hamptons, charges $650,000/membership.
That doesn’t include the $12,000 annual dues, or tips for caddies.

Google founders Sergey Brin & Larry Page have a private Boeing 767.

John D. Rockefeller was America’s first billionaire.  When adjusted for
inflation, he had $14bn less than each of Sam Walton’s 5 kids today.
 Your Right

There were 13 US billionaires in 1985.  Now there are more than 1,000.

There are as many millionaires in North Carolina as in India.

“Affluent” is “not really rich”.  One needs about $10m to be considered entry-level rich now.

[Direct Link to the Original Source Article Here.]

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Here are a few light-hearted Cartoons to brighten your day...

Sandy Huffaker

Ann Telnaes

David Horsey

Kirk Anderson

Bruce Plante

Jeff Danziger

Sandy Huffaker

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Okay. . .

I'm Going Out On A Limb Here, Assuming Someone Is Paying Attention.
by The Old Hippie Because It's Obvious That The Reality Is That Most Aren't.


When I speak of “majorities” in the following, I'll be referring to solid 2 to 1, or even 3 to 1, levels of majorities.  My point to this is... never before in our nation's history has there been as large a majority of the American citizenry that's been so completely polar opposite in its thinking, wants, and beliefs, than there is with this current ruling administration - And yet...  Still continues to “allow” this administration to remain in control - without any real form of revolution, or actual revolt, or effectual protests...  None whatsoever.

This administration has been proven, in just about all the obvious ways that any citizen would need to know, that this administration is lead by, and filled with, lying destructive, even murderous, openly criminal thieves, that sneer in the faces of dissent, that are successfully, purposefully destroying the Constitution, and any restraints on their powers by the Constitution.  And yet - The citizenry of my nation still continues to “allow” them control and power.

The majority of this nation's citizenry want our troops out of Iraq.  The majority of this nation's citizenry want universal healthcare for all.  The majority know this administration lied this nation into an aggressive war of occupation, and lied about their lies.  The majority know that this war of occupation in Iraq has killed 600,000 to 1,000,000 innocent civilian Iraqis.  The majority knows that our sanctions on Iraq, after the 1st war, caused the deaths of over 500,000 innocent children, under the age 5 alone, whom died horrible slow diseased deaths, and Ms. Madeleine Albright stated publicly that “It was worth it...”  The majority wants the money diverted back to national domestic support programs, and physical infrastructures, not on endless wars that only serve to increase the profits of the few.  And the majority know who “these few” are, they know they are the opportunistic corporatists thieves who have successfully pushed our nation to the brink of no Constitution, no representative republic, and to less security, to less freedom, to less liberty, to less health, to just simply... less.

And yet - You, my fellow citizens, who were, (and still are,) afraid to dissent, to protest, and continue to “allow” them their continued successes - Without any real revolt - Without any fight - By the large majority of you.  Ben Franklin was correct...  You deserve neither security, nor freedom.  And finally, in the words of a much less statesman comedian, speaking of ilk like you...  “Fuck you very much.”

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[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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Monday, July 16, 2007


Progress Toward Some Long Overdue Progress?
by The Old Hippie Because You Keep Allowing The “Allowing” To Continue.

  - At Moyers Journal:  “...a public shaming of the tawdry and shameless corporate media, which has ignored the exploding impeachment movement blossoming across the nation, pretending that it doesn’t even exist, or that it is the province of a few leftist wackos.”

  - At Journey For Humanity and Accountability:  “Torture Is A War Crime”

  - Moore:  “The Media is More Responsible for This War Than Bush”

  - “Some Democratic Senators Still Not On Board To Restore Habeas Corpus”

  - Kristol:  “There is no Civil War in Iraq” - And a Follow-Up. . .

  - Bush Iraq policy controlled by Bill Kristol:  UPDATED with Video

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- Naomi Klein:  “Privatization of the State” -

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Friday, July 13, 2007

The Heretik. . .

Original Linked Here - Very Well Worth The Visit.

The Heretik asks:

Give us this day our daily bread. Deliver us from evil. Lead us not into temptation. And save us from those who would save us. Amen.

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Put the Rest of the full posting's text here

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Want To Know?

Here's The Best New “Doing Something Real” Place On The Net. . .

=>  OPEN LEFT  <=

Don't stop there - They only “allow” you hope, if you force them to allow it.

Hey, you collaborators and/or sycophants still out there trying to knowingly make a nickle off the destruction...
We are, and will continue to, come for you.  As we stop them, we will stop you.  (Please - Keep sneering.)

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Nothing else at this time - Just visit the Open Left site linked above.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Just In Case. . .

...You Haven't Been Paying Any Real Attention. . .

Project Censored's Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007

Nothing else at all today - Just please read them.

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Notheing else - Please read the stories linked above.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Just Keep Doing Nothing. . .

And You Are Still Doing Absolutely Nothig About It.
by The Old Hippie Because The “Allowing” Is Still Being Allowed - Now Isn't It.

The “allowing” just continues - The FTC just went aginst the American majority and abandoned “Net Neutrality” to favore corporate interest over public intrest, and you are again allowing it - FOX just equated Universal Healthcare with supplying Al-qaeda with a recruiting tool, and you once again allowed it.  Rupert Murdoch has succeeded in buying Dow Jones, and therefore The Wall Street Journal, and once again you allowed it.  And you will do nothing.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

We are killing 300+ Iraqis every single day, over 10,000 every month, and you just keep allowing it.  They set Libby free, in a move that only a dictator or mob boss would envy, and you simply allowed them to do it.  Christian Reconstructionists, and their very powerful friends, are slowly succeeding in their take-over of dominion in America, and you will continue to do absolutely nothing to stop them.  Global warming, US's prison population, wealth gap and wealth transfer, privatization of national assesets, military-corporations having full control of “our” foreign policy, and allowing them that control, that power, for their own self greed, not our security - You just keep allowing it all - over and over again - Doing absolutely nothing real to stop them.  Don't you?

You have allowed them to make us an incorporated nation of corporate-supporters/collaborators, and “allowers,” to the point of planet wide destruction.  And due to your “denial of the allowing,” my America remains almost completely blind to our own self-destruction.  There's always hope - Until reality is “allowed” to smack you in face, and says not anymore. . .  Meanwhile the 1%'ers are still sneering at your denied “allowing” all the way to their banks in their protected enclaves. . .  When the destruction reaches you, and you need a place to hide from it, do you think they will “allow” you in?

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[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Reality Check. . .

Some Have The Ability To “Put It All Together” - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, as the “Allowing” Continues.

  -  I - T - M - F - A ?
      Hope?  You mean there is actually some hope - Finally?  Really?

  -  “A Special Comment”
      Keith Olbermann, he speaks for so many of us - Need I say more?

  -  Put It Back “On The Table” Already
      All the serious links on this that most anyone needs.

  -  “National-Security Breaches: Time for Impeachment”
      No person is above the law.
 Your Right

In Case You Have Forgotten. . .

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That, to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...  When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security....

A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People.”

The Declaration of Independence - In Congress, July 4, 1776.

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P.O.A.C. Galleries

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She Would Know. . .

“I have invested everything I have into trying to bring peace with justice to a country that wants neither.”  -- Cindy Sheehan
[Link To Full Statement Here]

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I wondered, many times, in this blog; "How bad must it get?"  Now I know.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

That's It. . .

There's Really Nothing Left To Say - Is There?
by The old Hippie - Because Is So Very Clear To All.

All of you who “allowed” these criminals to remain in power and control deserve everything that is coming down the pike.  All of the innocents who have died, and all of those innocents that face the damage allowed by your blind allowing, do not - For them, and for us that fought your allowing so hard, so long, so vainly - I truly hope you reap your rewards from the coming repercussions of your actions, and/or lack thereof.  Outside of that, I have little else to say.

I may add more, and maybe different observations in the near future - Depending - on what the American “citizens” do now, because as it stands - There just isn't anything leaf to say - Is there?

Oh, yeah - Happy 4th of July - Aren't you proud to be an American today?

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If “something” doesn't happen soon - It won't matter anyway.

Nothing else at this time - - -

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