Did You Notice...?
Was Not Reported By The ABC, CNBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, Or PBS 'News' sites.
by CommonDreams.org - November 11, 2013
“A day after over 130 poor countries walked out of UN climate talks in Warsaw to protest the lack of progress, about 800 members of environmental groups staged their first ever mass walkout, charging the talks - held in conjunction with a coal summit and infused with corporate sponsorship - have “put the interests of dirty energy industries over that of global citizens.” Wearing t-shirts reading “Volveremos” (We Will Return) members of Greenpeace, 350.org, WWF, Oxfam and other groups said the move was “not about giving up, (but) taking the struggle to a different level.””

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
As always with CommonDreams.org, this article is a damn good read, and an
excellent perspective of our shared Pax Americana reality. Have you noticed
how many articles I link from CommonDreams.org? It’s because they do an
excellent job of allowing truth to be authority, rather than like FOX,
where authority is manipulatively displayed as truth.
And at sites like Alternet.org, TomDisparch, Democracy Now!, et al, the “Comments”
section is quite often as enlightening as the article itself, sometimes even more so.