Where Are They?
No Word From Them On A Gay/Porn Prostitute In The White House?
by The Old Hippie Because They Have Become Mute
Hasn't anyone else noticed there isn't a sound of outrage from any of the right's Christian base on this? An openly gay/porn prostitute given full access to the White House press room, using a fake
lation of the delusions of the born-again Evangelical "bring-on-the-Rapture" nut-jobs, to be able to manipulate them into voting for anything the "party" tells their "leaders" to preach to them.
Attack when you are told to, otherwise shut up, and stay out of it. Vote as you're told to, and you will be "one of the chosen," when Christ returns. . .
I, along with many others, have been harping on the very real danger of the manipulation this 47% Evangelical segment of our American electorate, since the first Bush, Sr. presidency - And now - All of the stated fears of what their insane ignorance could produce, is successfully destroying our American Constitutional Democracy - Is successfully being used to create "in plain sight," from within, by the opportunistic criminals, (that are the very definition of "domestic enemies,") a Corporatist Plutocratic Theocratic Empire - Which, if you aren't aware of it, is the definition of the Fascist form of government.
[ The following is from the Feb. 18th Harris Poll. (LINK) Proving their level of ignorance. . . ]
"More surprising perhaps are the large numbers (albeit not majorities) who believe the following claims not made by the president and which virtually no experts believe to be true:
* 47 percent believe that Saddam Hussein helped plan and support the hijackers whoAnother interesting finding is that only 46 percent believe that Saddam Hussein was prevented from developing weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. weapons inspectors, a fact which most reports now support."
attacked the U.S. on September 11, 2001 (up six percentage points from November).
* 44 percent actually believe that several of the hijackers who attacked the U.S. on
September 11 were Iraqis (up significantly from 37% in November).
* 36 percent believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded
(down slightly from 38% in November).
I've also noted this ~47% factor in several of my e-mails to my e-list, on my website, and in this blog. As has other websites, blogs, Op-Eds, and most of the few honest journalists that are left out there. It is real. The destruction of the "Separation of the Church and the State," is a tangible thing, it is effecting, (and affecting,) all of our lives - right now - And it will get worse. It must be stopped.
These ~47%, the insane, and the dangerously in-denial, born-again "bring-on-the-Rapture" fundamentalist Evangelicals, of which "our" president "proudly" claims membership, refuse to see the corporatists' manipulation of their beliefs and fears. They will not see, refuse to see, how they are being used.
What can be done about it? To be honest, at this late stage, after they have successfully changed so many of the laws, destroyed the Checks & Balances, and the fact that they have the secured, and firmly controlled, one-party-rule of "our" nation now, and let's not forget that they have almost completely destroyed any hope of "our" mainstream media to be able to report the truth, plus their very successful marginalization of dissent. . . Outside of an open, and sustained revolt, I don't really see much hope of stopping them.
Do You?