Monday, December 31, 2007

The FED...

“Our” Federal Reserve - Is A Private [non-public] Corporation...
That is not connected to, not controlled nor regulated by “our” government in any way.

by The Old Hippie because if You do not understand this, You can’t comprehend all the rest.

“Allow me to control the issue and the nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws!”

-- Amshell Rothschild (his blood line [still] controls the FED).

Read A good start to knowing?  Understanding that you must read and/or watch a lot of what is not the “exciting infotainment” media.  And as I’ve mentioned many times, watch “Zeitgeist - The Movie,” it is an excellent education, but also know that it requires a mature attention-span as it covers more than just the Federal Reserve.

Another good place to learn is the Wikipedia entry on the FED - Here - Which also requires a lot of reading/attention-span maturity.

A 3rd good source of understanding is at the A.P.F. Network - Here -

The 3 links above will give you a good start in understanding the current level of the purposeful destruction of our democracy by a small group of international bankers that finally -successfully- took control of “our” government in late 1800s and early 1900s.  Without knowing the facts behind this history, then you simply have no clue to the cause-and-effect of events since then that have lead up to today’s loss of our Constitutional protections, and the shredding of the Bill of Rights by the current administration.

Which makes the international small group of owners of the FED system... very happy.
Your ignorance of their ownership of your nation... is their security... from your anger.

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I haven’t a lot left to warn you about - If you are still too afraid to be pissed off enough by now - Then the great “they” have you.  It has reached the surreal point that they now openly sneer and laugh at your fears, cowardliness, and ignorance.

They are purposefully and openly destroying your freedoms, your environment, your family member’s lives in foreign illegal wars-of-aggression, all of which serve only the profits of wealth and control into their small group - - and you know they are - - and they know you know they are - - and they are sneering at you, because they know you will not get pissed off - enough.

As you have proven... over, and over, and over again... these past five years.

“Those inside history, see it the least.”

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pissed Off? - - Yet?

The Real Question Is...  Are You Pissed Off Enough?
by The Old Hippie Because It’s Getting worse, Actually Far Worse Than Predicted.

“Zeitgeist - The Movie”  The two hour long movie the documents the reality behind our current reality.  Like Michael Moore’s “Sicko,” it is well done, and raises the anger-hairs on any American’s neck that watches it.  If you are not pissed off yet, or not pissed off enough, even now after all that has been proven...  then you need to seriously take a two hour block of time out of your life, and watch it.  Then I strongly suggest that you do the research, to prove to yourself, the validity of what the movie presents.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

My greatest fear?  It’s that my nation’s citizenry have allowed the same delusions, denials, and political apathy that defined the “good German citizens” of the late 1930s and early 1940s to become our current national paradigm.  It destroyed their democracy, and it’s destroying our democracy now.

[Not will, or could, but - is - destroying “America” right now.]

I kept looking for the citizens of my nation to get pissed off, at least pissed off enough... but that just hasn’t happen... yet.

Instead denial, delusion, and apathy has set in.  It’s already over, and most “good American citizens” out there don’t even know it yet.  It’s going to get, (is now getting,) far worse yet.

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Not a lot to say - Right? - Wrong.  Get pissed off - enough - do something... anything... That will help you to help America to stop it’s self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Worth Your Time. . .

A Short Statement To All The “Good,” But Allowing Americans...
by Chris Hedges at via

Well worth any “good” American's time.  →  The Direct Link Here  ←

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Nothing else - Just another observation of our current reality, and yet another call to stop the “allowing's” continuing destruction of our nation...  That most of you can happily choose to ignore, once again, for whatever psychological reasonings you use to hide your denial of the coming destructions.

“Those within history, see it the least.”

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, as Your “Allowing” Continues.

  -  This Could Be Your Child...
      Think long.  Think hard.  Do something.

  -  The Lie - Within The New Movie, “Charlie Wilson's War”    
      “Does it have to be so political.”

  -  “This Is Absolutely Out Of Control.”
      Not that you would do anything about it...

  -  “After the Money’s Gone”
      Reality is a bitch, isn't it?...
 Your Right

And In Case You Have Forgotten That He Actually Did Say It. . .

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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“The End of America - A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot”
Watch this very disturbing 48-min. video, and then buy Ms. Wolf's book.  Or just watch the video.
Or just read the book.  Then “spread the word.”  Time is running out.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's Just A Question...

“Is It For Freedom?”
by singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen,
video by

It is one incredible song wrapped within one amazing voice. Enjoy.

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Since you seem to have actually forgotten, here is yet another reminder of how destructive of a force all of your “allowing” throughout these past seven years has become. . .

Mr. Bush actually did say, within petulant anger...

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”
[Sorry to remind you, after such a beautiful song...  but “freedom”  ...demands reality.]

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Quote of the Day...

From The Project for the Old American Century

A message for our conservative friends  For those of you planning on voting republican to defeat the threat posed by illegal immigration, please realize:  The republicans are going to handle it the same way they handled abortion.  After 12 years of controlling Congress, and 8 years of controlling the Presidency; they've done nothing about abortion.  They aren't going to do anything about illegal immigration either.  Without things like immigration and abortion, they'd be forced to address the real issues like the economy, healthcare, education, and the blowback from our occupation of Iraq.  So if you want to see nothing done about illegal immigration...  go ahead...  vote Republican.”

The FULL 2-hour  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie” ←  is Below The Fold - Enjoy.

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Zeitgeist - The Movie
[ The link to the official site. ]

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Worth Your Time. . .

A 20 Min. Video Interview of Keith Olbermann by Bill Moyers...
by Bill Moyers Journal at PBS

Well worth 20 minutes of anyone's time.  →  The Direct Link Here  ←

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Nothing else - Just enjoy the video interview linked above.

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Outrage?  Maybe.  Truth?  Yes.

A Letter I Just Wrote To The Washington Post...  In Obvious Anger...
Concerning Their “Choose Your Candidate” Web Site.

To:  The entire The Washington Post staff
Re:  Your “Choose Your Candidate” web site

A GLARING absence of Dennis Kucinich.  The poll is purposefully bias, and useless, (except for the fact that you successfully marginalize Mr. Kucinich, whom your board of directors obviously fear,) on the Democratic side because of the deliberate, and glaring, absence of Mr. Kucinich, the obviously dangerous little-big man.  [To the staff that is still reading this, below is the explanation of why I say this...  Not that you would care that I, and others, care that you don't care that your obvious self-censorship is...  well, obvious.]

...researchers at California’s Sonoma State University took a close look at the resumes of the 118 people who sit on the boards of directors of America’s ten largest media organizations, (including The Washington Post.)  The research team is part of the Project Censored, which for nearly three decades has been exposing journalistic self-censorship — “the news that didn’t make the News.”  They determined that the group of 118 board members in turn sit on the boards of 288 other major corporations.  They also discovered that eight out of the ten media behemoths share common memberships in each other’s boardrooms.

Source: “Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America”

Keep in mind that the other 288 corporations referred to include all of the military industrial, extractive, pharmaceutical, managed-care HMOs, ag-chem, et al corporations - In other words, all the corporations that are profiting from the war, and the corporate take-over of all of “our” federal regulatory agencies, et al.

You, at The Washington Post, and a few of us out here that are actually paying attention, know that most of the American citizens still don't know, comprehend, or have absorbed the significance of this censored fact...  Not all of us are apathetic in-denial sheeple.

I'm old enough to remember when journalists where brave patriots, not the corporatists' controlled job-over-truth-insecure-cowards you have become.


Mike Standefer
814 Whitehead St.
Key West, FL 33040-7422

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It was something I personally felt the need to say.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I Resemble That Emotion...

Just A Recent Quote. . .
by Joe Biden

...on the President's line that he wasn't briefed on the new Iran NIE until last week:

“Are you telling me a president who is briefed every single morning, who is fixated on Iran, is not told back in August that the tentative conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies in the United States government said they had abandoned their effort for a nuclear weapon in ’03?” Biden said in a conference call with reporters.

“That’s not believable,” Biden added. “I refuse to believe that. If that’s true, he has the most incompetent staff in … modern American history and he’s one of the most incompetent presidents in modern American history.”

Here's a link on it for you... LINK.

[12/8/07] New “Special Comment” by Keith Olbermann on this “Below The Fold.”

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He obviously lied again, and it was a lie about his previous lie, and you are going to “allow” him/them to get away with it again - Aren't you?

[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Again, Enjoy. . .

A “Special Comment” by Keith Olbermann - But You “Allowed” Bush to, again, get away with it, yet another blatant, proven lie.  412 Days Left.
by Keith Olbermann - September 5, 2007

My only residual curiosity is...  How much more are you going to “Allow?”  Given your track record of “allowing” these past six years, it's hard not to say probably all of it.  Right?

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Since you seem to have actually forgotten, here is yet another reminder of how destructive of a force of your “allowing” has become. . . Mr. Bush actually did say, within petulant anger...

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”
[and you “allowed” him to get away with it, didn't you?]

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)