Friday, February 22, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because You Still “Allow,” Even With All The Exposed Destructions.

  -  “Of Crime And The River”
      Just one of the many stories of why resistance is futile, but one
      excellent story none the less - A worthy read.

  -  “When Change Is Not Enough:  Seven Steps to Revolution”
      If history ... we may already be on the road to violent revolution.
      Conservatives finally created enough misery to make it possible.

  -  “Poor Ohio”  [ Not to mention the rest of us... ]
      A Second Letter to Hillary Clinton on Her Ties to Monsanto.
      “Your and Bill's history with Monsanto is going with you.”
 Your Right

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Pretty Much “Allowed” Him To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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A“Below The Fold” bonus - An article about our non-judicial system...  Enjoy the read...

“Rigged Trials at Gitmo”
Col. Morris Davis resigned his position as the chief prosecutor for Guantánamo Bay, doesn’t believe “the men at Guantánamo could receive a fair trial...”  -  “I felt that the system had become deeply politicized and that I could no longer do my job effectively.”

Not that you would do anything real about what is obvious to all reality-based Americans... that these rigged trials for politics, not justice or security, is a treasonous crime by this administration.  Crimes that serve the dual purpose of political appearances, and the profitable, (to them,) destruction of that “goddamn piece of paper,” the Constitution.

But I'm betting that you, once again, will “allow” them to get away with it.  Right?

...and when the revolution finally smacks you in the face, I bet you will even ask...

“...How could this happen?!?”


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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Excellent 1st Production. . .

Fox News vs “The People”

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“Thought Control. . .”

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Their Sneers Are Justified. . .

They Keep Winning - You Keep Doing Nothing About It. . .
by “Our” Supreme Court of the United States.

=>  U.S. Supreme Court Throws Out Wire-Tapping Case  <=

[ and here’s a 2nd - Related Link - to also help you understand your reality. ]

The corporatists cronies get away with it, again...  And you have yet to even try to do anything to stop the sneering criminality of this arrogant administration, that is purposefully destroying your Constitutional Democracy for the short-term profits, and protections, to their few - - And you continue to do nothing to stop them.

It is obvious to most all of the reality-based among us, and most all of the rest of the world, that you are in fact... either insane, or simply stupid.

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Actually, I personally believe it is both.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Go Now. . .

Why Are You Here At My Minor Blog?  Go To The Link Below - Now.
by Chris Floyd at his blog, “Empire Burlesque 1.0” -and- The Winter Patriot

The Courtier's Choice:

Arthur Schlesinger and the Willing Executioners of Democracy

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The best description of our denied reality I've seen in quite some time.  Enjoy the read.
[ The link above is to a protected & enhanced backup copy of this original. ]

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Nothing Else - Just about your reality.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

As If You Care. . .

It's Not Like I Expect You Do Anything, As Your Allowing Continues...
by The Old Hippie Because Without “correction” Your allowing Will destroy us.


As I have pointed out redundantly in previous postings, and as many other more qualified people have also redundantly pointed out in other blogs, and independent media, outside of the control of the six-corporation-controlled “mainstream” media, that does nothing but hide the reality from you to mainly protect their over-all profits from all of their interlinked corporations...  It is your “allowing” of their continued across-the-board destructions of your freedoms and security, to protect themselves from your possible ability to stop them... that is the problem.

The “problem” is not their destructions-for-profit, the problem is your continued, and quite frankly insane, “allowing” of their destructions-for-profits.  As the infamous Pogo famously said  →  →  →  →  →  →

In other nations, recently, when confronted by the arrogant criminality of their corporatistly corrupted administrations, they hit the streets...  they fought the crimes, they struggled hard to correct the wrongs...  and are currently winning in South America, and other places.  They did not “allow.”

But here... in our America?  Where most of the corporatists’ crimes originate, through corrupt uber profiting multinational corporations.  What do you do?  You “allow,” and “allow,” and...  continue to unconscionably, insanely, cowardly...  continue to...  “allow the allowing.”  But you know who is winning on American Idol, and the state of Britney's life...

 Yes - The Enemy Is Us...

When was the last time you actually saw, or read, anything of any real substance about the wars and occupations we are currently committing, or how other nations are reacting to the corporatists’ crimes, in “our” corporatistly controlled media?  Do you have the slightest curiosity as to why that allowed fact of no facts... is your reality?

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- Quote of the Week from The Crisis Papers site. -

“At some point, the congressional Democrats may have to face up to the hard choice before them: either put impeachment of Bush and Cheney back ‘on the table’ or accept that the United States has ceased being a constitutional Republic governed by the principle that no man is above the law.”

  -- Robert Parry

[ Also - for a further perspective...  Not only did you “allow” him to say it...
you then “allowed” him to get away with it. . .  and you then...
(to add even further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him to prove it. ]

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,
It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You're Going To “Allow” - Again -

Senate Passes Telecoms Protection, As They Know You'll “Allow” It.
by The Old Hippie Because Your Continued “Allowing” Smacks Of Cowardliness.

“Senate OKs Immunity for Telecoms” -- And I have no doubt that you are going to allow them to get away with it... again.  I say again because you allowed then to get away with all of the following well proven and verified crimes against your Constitution, your Bill of Rights, your freedoms, your security, your privacy... without any real protest, nor punishment, nor revolt.  The only reasons I can conceive of for your continual allowing, your continual self-destruction, is either unfathomable stupidity, (not ignorance, as the knowledge has been exposed and is available to you all,) or simple cowardliness, or you actually believe you are somehow profiting from the crimes.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

What You Have Allowed:  (so far...)
- Theft of the entire Treasury into the hands of the very few.
- Unprecedented transfer of wealth to those same very few.
- Our manufacturing base outsourced to the 3rd world, for
   the sole benefit of the same very few.
- Destruction of the middle class as a political and/or
   financial voice, for the sole benefit of the same very few.
- An invasion & occupation of a nation that did not attack us,
   and was of no threat to us or its neighbors, for their oil, and
   now the very well proven corrupt war-profiteering profits
   to the same very few.
- The “free-speech” zones - For the singular purpose of not
   allowing the few brave/patriotic citizens that do protest
   their crimes to be seen by the criminals, the very few.

- The throwing away of Habeas Corpus, for the sole purpose of protecting the very few... from
   your ability to dare to “question” your accusers - A right every 1st and 2nd world nation has
   had since the thirteenth century.  [If you don't fully grasp habeas corpus... go here.]
- Unconscionable environmental destructions to protect their profits, not you.
- Destruction of independence of the media, to benefit them, not you.
- Destruction of the Separation of Church and State, to benefit their control of you.
- The proven corruption of the last four national elections... left uncorrected by you.
- The total corruption of all of “our” regulatory agencies, to protect them, from you.
- The privatizing of federal prisons into for-profit corporate insanity, that has finally turned the
   “land of the free” into a sick joke, by allowing our nation to become the most incarcerated
   nation, in written history, in raw numbers, and in the percentage of the population.

So - As you can plainly see why...  I have no doubt you will again allow them to get away with the destruction of your freedoms and security to protect themselves.  Do I “hate their freedoms” as Bush claimed right after the crimes of 9/11/01?  You damn well better believe I do, but I hate more the fact that you keep “allowing” Bush to prove that he was correct, when he said of the Constitution. . .  “It’s just a goddamn piece of paper!”

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Seriously - Get pissed off - At least - Enough - To do something...  Anything...
That will help you, to help America, stop its purposely manipulated self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation - Research it, look it up.  Obviously, since you are reading this on the internet, you have access to any search engine you choose to do the research necessary to disprove, or to verify, anything yourself.  Please - Do it.  Now.
(you aren’t stupid, but at this late stage that is becoming questionable.)

And if you still aren’t convinced → Go Here. ←

Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and I do openly censor any sycophantic diatribe, and those that feed it by responding to it.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another Reality Check. . .

Even I Didn’t Realize How Close Our Economic Collapse Is...
by The Old Hippie Because You Keep Allowing The “Impossible” To Get Even Worse.


Chomsky on the Rise of the South an interview by Michael Shank at Foreign Policy In Focus - “Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert.  On January 15, Michael Shank interviewed him on the latest developments in U.S. policy toward regional challenges to U.S. power.  In the second part of this two-part interview, Chomsky also discussed the Bank of the South, nationalization of resources, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.”  [ link to the original here. ]

Every time I read, listen, or watch Chomsky, I realize I’ve witnessed a knowledgeable reality-based perspective that I didn't have before, even though I do consider myself well informed on our nation’s foreign policy.

I actively research the internet every day for the current socio-political happenings worldwide, as much for myself, as for my web site’s and blog’s content...  But Chomsky never fails to inform me of perspective I simply had failed to put together, just as you may not have either.

This interview is well worth anyone’s time, I only hope it helps you as much as it did me.

Knowledge is power, but sometimes... it’s just scary. . .  When the collapse does come, it will seem to be “instant,” but it began long before the Clinton Administration signed NAFTA/GATT...  After you read the interview, you might want to check this out, “Can't Say We Weren't Warned.”
 Project for the Old American Century - Galleries -

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- Quote of the Week from The Crisis Papers site. -

“At some point, the congressional Democrats may have to face up to the hard choice before them: either put impeachment of Bush and Cheney back ‘on the table’ or accept that the United States has ceased being a constitutional Republic governed by the principle that no man is above the law.”

  -- Robert Parry

[ Also - for a further perspective...  Not only did you “allow” him to say it...
you then “allowed” him to get away with it. . .  and you then...
(to add even further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him to prove it. ]

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,
It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because You Still “Allow,” Even With All The Exposed Destructions.

  -  “There’s Nothing Mainstream About the Corporate Media”
      “[our] mass media is Corporate, not Mainstream, and the distinction
       is critical.”  [particularly to those that still think it is “Mainstream.”]

  -  “Have Humans Caused the Earth to Enter a New Epoch?”
      The Anthropocene epoch would mark the period when humans
      became the predominant force over the Earth's environment.

  -  “Europeans See What America Cannot”
      ...Europeans regard the Afghan conflict as  a. wrong and immoral;
      b. America's war;  c. all about oil; or  d. probably lost.
 Your Right

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Pretty Much “Allowed” Him To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  <  B e l o w  T h e  F o l d  >  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

A“Below The Fold” bonus - An article about our non-economy...  Enjoy the read...

“A Long Story”
“The problems now facing the U.S. economy look a lot like the problems that
caused the last two recessions - but this time in combination.”

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Friday, February 08, 2008

And Another Reminder. . .

“The Best War Ever”
[ by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton. ]
(The major profiteering factor of the transfer of this nation's wealth to the few.)

“...and the people who sold us this war are still in power, and trying to sell us an expansion into Iran, and into Syria.”

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You remember the war...  In Iraq...  Right?  It’s still going on...  Getting worse...
Ask yourself this...  Why has the corporatists’ controlled MSM “news” stopped reporting it?

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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Just A Reminder. . .

What's wrong with the US healthcare system in one simple chart.
by UC Atlas at U.C.S.C.

[Original Here]

Cost Of Long Life per Country

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Of course, if you happen to be in the top 1% of wealthy Americans, you could care less - right?

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Another Reality Check. . .

This Proves The Depth of Denial And Delusion America Is In. . .
by The Old Hippie Because You Keep Allowing The “Impossible” To Get Even Worse.


TVNewser reports that Fox News Channel had 8 of the top 10 highest rated programs on cable news during the month of January.  Leading that charge was The O'Reilly Factor, which took both the #1 (the 8PM original broadcast) and the #7 (the 11PM repeat) spots.

Below, via Nielsen Media Research, the 20 top ranked shows for January:
                [ Link to original Huffington Post article here. ]

  1.  The O'Reilly Factor (Fox)
  2.  Hannity & Colmes (Fox)
  3.  The Fox Report with Shep Smith (Fox)
  4.  Special Report with Brit Hume (Fox)
  5.  On The Record with Greta Van Susteren (Fox)  
  6.  Americas Newsroom (Fox)
  7.  The O'Reilly Factor (Repeat) (Fox)
  8.  Larry King Live (CNN)
  9.  The Big Story with John Gibson (Fox)
10.  Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN)
11.  Studio B with Shep Smith (Fox)
12.  Your World with Neil Cavuto (Fox)
13.  Happening Now (Fox)
14.  Fox And Friends (Fox)
15.  Live Desk with Martha MacCallum (Fox)
16.  Americas Pulse (Fox)
17.  Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN)
18.  Out In The Open (CNN)
19.  Countdown with Keith Olbermann (MSNBC)
20.  CNN Election Center (CNN)
 Project for the Old American Century - Galleries -

Full data report available here (PDF).  14 out of the 20 most popular cable news shows are on the FOX network, proven by every single study done to be outright arrogant propagandists, at best, and outright liars, at worst - Kind of says it all doesn't it?

Now do you understand the power of a corporatist controlled media?  The power to convince the masses to vote and/or support their own destruction... without angry revolt?

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- Quotes of the Week from The Crisis Papers site. -

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.”

James Madison

“My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.  I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution.”

Barbara Jordan,
at the Nixon Impeachment hearing,
July 25,1974

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,
It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

Not only did you “allow” him to say it...  you then “allowed” him to get away with it. . .
and you then...  (to add even further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him to prove it.

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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because You Still “Allow,” Even With All The Exposed Destructions.

  -  One View Of “Us,” By An Expatriate... Harsh, But Accurate.
      “...or you folks really are as stupid as you look from over here.”

  -  “The Farce Of Sovereignty”
      Made much of bringing democracy, but ensured it retained control.

  -  Step 1:  Torture Foreigners Only.  Then...
      Step 2:  Torture your own citizens, but only the ‘criminals.’  Then...
      Step 3:  Widen the definition of a ‘criminal citizen’ to include any...
                 “hostile intentions” toward the state.
 Your Right

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Pretty Much “Allowed” Him To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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A“Below The Fold” bonus - A book Review by Chalmers Johnson.  Enjoy the read...

“Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism”

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