Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Again, Enjoy. . .

“The War Prayer” - The full (14:21) video -
by Mark Twain, written in 1904, this video version is via “TheWarPrayer.com”

Video has "disappeared" from the site, but can still be viewed here...

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The following is a “Below The Fold” Bonus video...
A video presentation of Sara Thomsen’s beautiful, sad and haunting, yet inspiring song. A song she created as a question... before Bush was “selected” after the 2000 national election.

Is It For Freedom?...

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Friday, May 23, 2008

It Is Happening. . .

Right Under Our Collective Noses. . .
by Michael L. Weinstein, former White House Counsel to Reagan, and Air Force Academy graduate,
also the founder of Military Religious Freedom Foundation (video via TheRealNews.com)

[ Not that you would actually do anything to stop it - Right?  Try this link. ]

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The following is a “Below The Fold” Bonus video...
For the upcoming, (Feb. 12, 2009,) 200th birthday of Charles Darwin.
[ - Done with an excellent sense of humor - ]    - Enjoy -

The Evolution Explainer...

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Disgusting, Isn't It?

Even During Resurgent Hope, It’s Allowed To Continue To Get Worse.
by The Old Hippie Because I Don’t Understand The Continued “Allowing.”

Hillary wins 5 of the last 7 primaries, 16% of America’s science teachers teach Creationism, we’re still the only 1st or 2nd world nation without universal health coverage, the only 1st or 2nd world nation without habeas corpus protection, the most incarcerated nation on the planet, and in written history, the number one polluter nation, and we still spend more of “our wealth” on “our military-industrial-congressional-complex” than all of the other nations - combined.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

Proven - “Our” nation, in all of our names, tortures and murders political prisoners.  Proven - All of the current administrations leaders lied this nation into, (quite profitable to their very few,) an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, the ultimate war crime of a pre-emptive ‘War of Aggression’ on a nation that was of no threat to us, or its own neighbors.

The sociopathic power, and greed of “the very few,” that I understand.  The “allowing” of their getting away with it, not to mention the lack of any will by the citizenry toward revolt within the reality that it is getting worse, that, I don't understand.  I'm not the only one that feels this fear that “it” just may have already passed most of the preventive tipping-points, politically, environmentally, and socio-economically.

Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Hancock, Madison, Paine, Eisenhower, Kennedy, plus so many other’s “warnings” throughout history were correct... about the possibility of the ease at which the-very-few would be “allowed” to destroy “America’s Democracy,” from within - These past seven and half years have proven their fears, not only justified, but realized.

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Did “Allow” The Very Few To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]

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A “Below The Fold” bonus - From the War On Greed web site -

Also - Just for those whom still haven't seen it...  To judge for yourself,
its reality-based accuracy, in its actual context, the entire 1:56:23 of...

Zeitgeist - The Movie
[ The link to the official site. ]
- Note: If playback problem, simply refresh the page -

Also, for those that “believe” Zeitgeist - The Movie, Part one, (~0:7:30 into it,)
has been actually debunked and/or refuted. . .

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hope? Really?

When Did Hope Become A Bad Thing?
from catchhope.com

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The following is a “Below The Fold” Bonus video... [ from www.puppetgov.com ]

George Carlin... One of my favorite presentations by him...

“Who Owns You Americans?”

- Enjoy -

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Once Again, Enjoy. . .

A Bit Of News - To Help Us All Maintain Our Perspective.
by MSNBC, via Crooks and Liars

[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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The following is a “Below The Fold” Bonus video... [ The Original is linked here. ]

Every American could use a bit of historical perspective...
Particularity concerning Iran at this cusp point in our own turbulent history.
The following 6-1/3 minute YouTube video is from JustForeignPolicy.org/.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

You Say You Can, But. . .

I Honestly Doubt That You Can Handle The Proof...
by The Old Hippie Because You Still Aren’t Stopping Them, Still “Allowing.”

Simply two articles of proof. - That the successful transfer of the control-of-the-control of the wealth of this once great nation into the hands of the-very-few, the controlling corporatists, has destroyed this nation’s economic security, and ripped the Constitution and Bill of Rights into insignificance.  While at the same time making sure the stolen wealth is protected from recovery by the masses, and their-very-few will be not only physically protected, but also profit from the coming horrors of the multiple water, food, and energy resource wars, and from the coming environmental destructions of billions of lives.

[The links are in no particular order, as they are of equal significance.]

Chalmers Johnson on Our ‘Managed Democracy’ - A book review of...
“Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism”
by Sheldon S. Wolin

- - -
“Democracy in America Is a Series of Narrow Escapes,
and We May Be Running Out of Luck”

An excerpt from Bill Moyers’ new book, “Moyers on Democracy”

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Also - for a further perspective...  Not only did you “allow” him to say it...
You then “allowed” him to get away with saying it. . .  and you then...
(to add further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him, and the-very-few, to prove it.

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]

Not to mention your “allowing” of, (and the getting away with of,) his/their help in the destruction of the Separation of Church and State, the creation of “Free-Speech Zones,” the illegal invasion of another nation that was of no threat to us or their neighbors, had not attacked us, and had nothing to do with those that had actually attacked us, the doing away with Habeas Corpus protections, the “legalization” of torture, and the unconscionable protection of corporate profits over all other concerns, including life itself. . .

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Maybe, Finally, Some Justice?

Hopefully Only The Beginning Of Recovery The Checks And Balances?
by John Conyers, House Judiciary Committee Chairman, via The Crypt
Rep. John Conyers
United States Congessman
John Conyers, Jr.
Chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee

Just off the House floor today, the Crypt overheard House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers tell two other people: “We’re closing in on Rove.  Someone’s got to kick his ass.”

Asked a few minutes later for a more official explanation, Conyers told us that Rove has a week to appear before his committee.  If he doesn’t, said Conyers, “We’ll do what any self-respecting committee would do.  We’d hold him in contempt.  Either that or go and have him arrested.”

Conyers said the committee wants Rove to testify about his role in the imprisonment of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, among other things.

“We want him for so many things, it’s hard to keep track,” Conyers said.

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[ Also - for a further perspective...  Not only did you “allow” him to say it...
you then “allowed” him to get away with saying it. . .  and you then...
(to add even further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him, and the-very-few, to prove it. ]

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,

It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]

Not to mention your “allowing” of, (and the getting away with of,) his/their help in the destruction of the Separation of Church and State, the creation of “Free-Speech Zones,” the illegal invasion of another nation that was of no threat to us or their neighbors, had not attacked us, and had nothing to do with those that had actually attacked us, the doing away with Habeas Corpus protections, the “legalization” of torture, and the unconscionable protection of corporate profits over all other concerns, including life itself. . .

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Again, Enjoy. . .

A “Special Comment” - Spoken As Many Of Us Feel - To President Bush.
by Keith Olbermann, via MSNBC, via Crooks and Liars

[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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The following is a “Below The Fold” Bonus video... [ The Original is linked here. ]

The California Republican Party's answer to a $20 billion budget deficit?

Tax loopholes for yacht owners.

Watch [their] our new ad and sign up for Courage Campaign updates on the "Yacht Party"

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Not So “Ancient Articles” -

Articles From The Recent Past, That Resonate Still...
by Mostly Our Allies and Indy Media, Since “Our” Corporatist-MSM did “IMMMorL” them.

[ “IMMMorL” = Ignored, Marginalized, Misrepresented, Manipulated, and/or out right Lied. ]

I present the following Not So “Ancient Articles,” not only in case you missed them, but because their content is as important today, in some cases more so, now that the proof-of-their-truths has been proven/exposed by various reliable sources since they were published.

Also, (because the accuracy of the originals has been verified,) so that you may do your own comparison and research of how “our” corporatist controlled MSM “IMMMorL” concerning the exposures.

These Not So “Ancient Articles”:  In no particular order, as all are of equal importance.

Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link

Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link

Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link  -  Article Link

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus article link, to last year's censored “Board to Death” article.
From the research team at → Project Censored ← at Sonoma State University.

Bonus Article Link

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Enjoy. . .

A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn

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- As a “Below The Fold” video bonus -
“Thought Control. . .”

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Been Reading, Watching. . .

Haven’t Posted Because Of Reading, Watching, And Absorbing. . .
by The Old Hippie Because I Don’t Understand The Continued “Allowing.”.

Between outrage fatigue, and my fellow citizen’s unconscionable continuing allowing, I haven’t been posting regularly of late, because I needed to step back, and through reading, watching, studying, just to try to understand it - - - I still have no clue as to the why of the allowed-allowing without real protest or revolt, much less justice and punishment.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

The power of the very few I understand.  Its self-feeding greed is well documented throughout our written history, and I know the destructions that are always caused by it, which is also quite well documented - What I don’t get is this America’s lack of revolt.  An America with a free-press, even if corporatistly controlled, and full access to the internet/web with its growing plethora of independent and foreign press exposure, does have the knowledge of the destructions - and their cause, but yet does nothing to stop the allowing of the very-few’s theft of the control-of-the-control of “our” wealth, our security, our power of self-determination, even our ability to regulate their destructions of us.  That I don't understand, and I think I'll go to my grave still trying to figure it out.

Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Hancock, Madison, Paine, Eisenhower, Kennedy, plus so many other’s “warnings” throughout history were correct... about the possibility of the ease with which the very few would be “allowed” to destroy “America’s Democracy” from within - These past seven and half years have proven their fears justified.

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Did “Allow” The Very Few To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

[For those who doubt he actually said it - Here is the quote’s verification link.]

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A “Below The Fold” bonus - From the War On Greed web site -

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